’91 760 Turbo, lack of acceleration, vibrates while idling

Discussion in 'Volvo 760' started by hcj2k, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. hcj2k

    hcj2k Guest

    Hey all,

    I own a 1991 760 Turbo Wagon, it’s got about 138K on it. To
    preface, I’ve had problems with the exhaust being pretty thick, I’ve
    tried some oil additives to clean it up but they haven’t worked all
    that well. My mechanic says a small amount of oil is getting into the
    exhaust somewhere along the line. Anyway, not sure if its related, but
    in the past month or so I’ve noticed the car shaking a little bit when
    I’m stopped in traffic. The past couple days the shaking has gotten
    significantly worse, and now continues for a few seconds while I’m
    accelerating. It feels like a damn airplane taking off. To top it off
    the acceleration is terrible now, and the engine seems like it takes
    forever to kick in. I’ve suspected from the exhaust that the turbo may
    be going downhill, and was wondering if these recent symptoms would
    give any indication towards that conclusion. If this is the problem,
    what kind of costs am I looking at for repair/replacement? Thanks,

    Coles Jennings
    hcj2k, Apr 25, 2005
  2. The lack of acceleration and vibration probably aren't the turbo - or at
    least it isn't the first place to look.

    For the smoke, clean all the parts of the crankcase ventilation system. That
    includes the air/oil separator box bolted to the block and the hoses that
    connect it to the turbo intake hose. Replacement of the air/oil separator is
    an easy alternative to cleaning it.

    If the crankcase ventilation gets too restricted, the crankcase pressure
    will rise and cause the turbo drain to back up and overflow oil into the
    exhaust. (It happened to mine, and the smoke was impressive indeed!)

    When clear, you should be able to blow through the hose and separator as
    though it was about a 3/8 inch diameter hole. My separator had the
    resistance of a soda straw.

    Michael Pardee, Apr 25, 2005
  3. hcj2k

    James Sweet Guest

    First thing I'd do is check all the hoses under the hood. It's fairly common
    for a rubber fitting in the intake tract to develop a hole which leaks boost
    and affects engine performance. Also if it has the LH JetTronic fuel system
    the air mass meter is a common failure. The acceleration should be very good
    on that car, something is definitly wrong. Mine takes off like a bat out of
    James Sweet, Apr 25, 2005
  4. HOW ABOUT A GOOD CLEAN OUT of the fuel mixture thingo under the intake
    manifold .It can be washed out rather than replaced .As well the trottle
    body most likely needs a good clean .You might Take out the intercooler and
    clean that up as well .Use synthetic oil I use BP Synthetic for get all the
    claims from amsoil and their hard sell .My wife car has done 240+k amd mine
    164kwe use synthetic oil and my sons has done 300+on dyno oil hasnt had its
    first change since we got it yet .None of them leak or use oil .So your is a
    baby just running in .Cheap oil is bad oil ,Synthetic oil is great for
    Turbos no crudding up in the turbo bearings .My last cars did 443.000
    880.000 and the other you wouldnt believe any way , but it was over a
    million .I used to drive for a living now I am retired I like to spoil my
    car .I am bored :)
    John Robertosn, Apr 25, 2005
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