10W30 all year round in warm/cold climate?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Someone, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. Someone

    Someone Guest

    I used to use Mobil One 5/30 and 10W30 in my 93 240 and do oil change
    every 6 months.

    I recently bought Mobil Extended Performance (good up to 120,000 [km
    or miles?] ) and was wondering if I could do an oil change only once a
    year? I do about 10K miles/year. Climate can be down to -30C (~ 0F)
    in winter and up to 40C (~110F) in summer.

    Or should I stick to my twice a year 5W/30, 10W30 oil changes?

    Someone, Apr 25, 2008
  2. Someone

    James Sweet Guest

    Seasonal oil viscosity changes are an ancient relic. Once multiweight oils
    came out, they became unnecessary in all but the most extreme climates. Run
    10W30 year round and you will have no trouble. You're not trying to crank a
    big V8 from a 6V battery, the starter in a 240 produces ample torque to turn
    the motor over in just about any weather.
    James Sweet, Apr 25, 2008
  3. Someone

    Joerg Lorenz Guest

    Sufficient every 12 months. In Europe oil changes are done every year or
    20000-40000km depending on th manufacturer of the car.
    Mobil 1 is good for all year use within these parameters.
    Don't waste money!
    Your welcome!
    Joerg Lorenz, Apr 26, 2008
  4. Someone

    Roadie Guest

    Do the following three things:

    1. Locate or buy an owners manual for that car.
    2. Open it to the section dealing with oil changes.
    3. Read and follow the guidance in that section. It will be far more
    accurate than information gotten in discussion groups.
    Roadie, Apr 27, 2008
  5. Someone

    Mr. V Guest

    Mr. V, Apr 27, 2008
  6. Someone

    Someone Guest

    Thanks to all for you input. I do have the owner's manual for the car
    and I followed what it says. But this being a 1993, I figured there
    must have been improvement in engine oil fabrication over the last 15
    years and since I don't do much mileage, maybe I can relax my twice a
    year 5w30, 10W30 oil changes.

    I like the suggestion of keeping 10W30 oil all year round in my second
    Volvo which I only use 2-5 times per winter. On that one, every time
    I do an oil change in the spring, the oil looks exactly like the oil I
    added in the fall.
    Someone, Apr 27, 2008
  7. Someone

    James Sweet Guest

    I use regular 10W30 in the non-turbo Volvo year round, it doesn't get quite
    as cold here as you mentioned, but I've never had any trouble at all one way
    or another. I change it every 5K miles and it's looking pretty yucky by
    then. Car has just shy of 300K on it and the motor has been holding up
    James Sweet, Apr 27, 2008
  8. Someone

    John Horner Guest

    Mobil-1 EP 5W-30 will do a fine job of lubricating your Volvo year
    round. No need to use 10W-30 in the summer or winter.
    John Horner, May 4, 2008
  9. Someone

    John Horner Guest

    Well Roadie, you are wrong. The manual in question was written 15 years
    ago and automotive lubricants have moved forward quite a lot in that time.
    John Horner, May 4, 2008
  10. Someone

    John Horner Guest

    10W-30 will work fine, but 5W-30 will work better. Mobil-1 EP is an
    excellent quality oil which is going to hold it's viscosity fine.

    The 5W simply means an oil with better low temperature cranking
    characteristics. Once hot, the 5W-30 and 10W-30 oils have approximately
    the same viscosity.
    John Horner, May 4, 2008
  11. What a temperature range .We can only get 10-30 ,10-40 5-50 Mobil 1 here
    John Robertson, Jun 3, 2008
  12. Someone

    Roadie Guest

    I wasn't posting an inquiry, but responding to a question.
    Roadie, Jun 4, 2008
  13. Someone

    Roadie Guest

    He would do better to follow those directions OR to ask the dealer for
    Volvo's current recommended oil for older motors than to follow the
    guesses that have come forth so far on this forum.
    Roadie, Jun 4, 2008
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