1982 240 looses power on freeway

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by David, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. David

    David Guest

    The other day I took my 1982 240 DL down the freeway to my friend's
    house, and about half way there I started to notice that the engine
    was loosing power. I pulled off into the emergency lane and turned the
    engine off. I waited about 5 min and restarted the car and drove off
    like nothing had happened. Later on the way back home I took the back
    road as to avoid the freeway and low and behold on about a 3 mile
    stretch of road where the speed limit is 50 the same problem occurred.
    Once again I pulled over waited 5 min and restarted the car and drove
    off. I really love my old Volvo and it is a great car but this problem
    is making me not trust my old car on the freeway, Please help me

    David, Mar 7, 2007
  2. If the fuel filter hasn't been changed in a while, that would be a great
    place to start. My experience with plugged fuel filters is that they often
    recover a bit when they sit for a while (I assume the debris falls to the
    bottom when pressure is relieved) and then plug up again some time after the
    car gets moving. The restriction is most important when the engine is trying
    to gulp a lot of fuel.

    Michael Pardee, Mar 8, 2007
  3. David

    Perry Noid Guest

    I've had similar problems with two different cars in the past... the first
    time, it was debris in the gas tank that would clog the intake filter,
    slowing and eventually stopping the car... after a while, the debris would
    float free and I could drive the car normally again, until it re-collected
    and blocked the flow of fuel. The fix was to drain and clean the tank, and
    install a new sock filter on the intake...

    The second car had a problem with the cat converter... the matrix inside had
    broken apart, and rolled around until it was just a round ball, like a
    billiard ball. While driving, it would sometimes roll into the outflow
    opening, causing severe restriction and slowing... again, when I would pull
    over and stop the engine, it would apparently roll free and I could drive
    away normally... The fix was to replace the cat converter.
    Perry Noid, Mar 8, 2007
  4. David

    Josh Guest

    I own an 83 240. Once apon a time it would drive perfectly in the
    city, but hesitate on highway driving/heavy use. It turned out there
    was debris in the fuel tank that clogged the in tank fuel pump. For a
    few weeks it would drive fine after a 5 minute rest as you describe,
    but eventually whatever clogged the pump caused it to fail
    completely. The car suffered vapourisation repeatedly, and lost a lot
    of power.
    May i suggest you drain the fuel tank as a precaution, and while you
    are doing that check the in tank pump. If you start the car and put
    your ear to the fuel cap you should hear a faint buzz. Hope its
    nothing too serious

    Josh, Mar 12, 2007
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