Please help! My Volvo, which I bought this summer, didn't having any starting issues until the temp first dropped to 32 in October. Now, it sounds like a clunker. After Thanksgiving, it wouldn't even start (well, it did, but after a few stalls it finally died). This is when we replaced the spark plugs and discovered they were covered in soot and grime. The new spark plugs seemed to be the solution to my cold start problems and all was well with my Volvo until today when my car had a very difficult time starting again - bumpy and stalling. It finally died and wouldn't restart. So, the spark plugs helped - but only for a week. Why is this? Can anyone help me figure out what the problem is with my car? I've read about Air Mass Meters and Fuel Pump Relays....I don't know where to begin and I'm not, obviously, a mechanic by any means. I'm just a woman who needs her car to run and doesn't want to make an uniformed or unecessary trip to a repair shop. Thanks for your help!