1987 740 Fuel Sender Unit Out -- Problems (pics)

Discussion in 'Volvo 740' started by Jamie, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    1987 740 was doing the classic "right turn and stall". It never died,
    just stalled until I got straight then picked back up. Always at 1/4
    tank gas or less.

    So I pull the sender unit out the tank expecting a hole or slice in
    the short tube. Here are the problems I have:

    1- There is no problem with the short tube. I can plug one end, blow
    and it resists. It's sealed. Only thing I can think of was the
    connections on an end were loose?

    2- Haynes says "disconnect electrical connection." There was no
    "disconnect". I tried "unplugging" but I think I brought wires. That
    or they were already broke. My disconnect was cut the wires 6" away
    from the unit. I need the wiring scheme to re-solder the 2 brown and 1
    black wire back to the connector.

    3- On the sliding ball lever, there is a metal slider that rubs a
    metal plate as the ball rises. There is some blackening on this plate.
    Can something under gasoline short? My fuel gauge worked fine.

    4- Black sock filter looked OK. A little brittle near the cap
    connector. I'll replace it. Cone filter looked OK.

    So, not sure what was causing my stall. Other symptom has been while
    going slow and gently accelerating, the engine felt "held back". Very
    slightly, like it was 90% and barely noticeable. It just made you want
    to mash the gas to see. When I mashed the gas it jumped in high RPM
    and did fine. At highway speeds it seems fine, just slow cruising if
    you can imagine an EKG heart monitor line where lets say 35 mph should
    be a flat, steady line my line would be steady with subtle dips. ???

    HEre are some pics:






    Jamie, Mar 30, 2007
  2. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    Scratch the request for a wiring diagram for the wiring connector on
    the top plate, I am dense sometime.


    Top pin: Purple
    Left pin: Brown
    Right pin: Gray

    Ground: Black
    Jamie, Mar 30, 2007
  3. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    maybe I am not so dense - the wires change colors at the connector.


    Diagram por favor!
    Jamie, Mar 30, 2007
  4. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    I am off to the parts yard tomorrow to "part with" $75. It was hard
    soldering the wires together without melting plastic. Otherwise, I
    might convert my 740 GLE to a turbo, and blast my derriere to the moon
    if I cause a spark in that gas tank.

    Jamie, Mar 30, 2007
  5. Jamie

    James Sweet Guest

    The electrical connector is inside the trunk of the car behind the black
    plastic panel on the left side under the carpet. I just pulled my sender
    assembly a couple weeks ago and need to do it again now that I have a
    new pickup sock. You unplug the connector, pop the rubber bushing
    through the hole in the frame and feed the rest of the cable through.
    James Sweet, Mar 30, 2007
  6. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    Thanks James. Would you mind calling Haynes and ask them to publish
    your phone number in the section titled, "disconnecting the electrical
    That was one time that Haynes was VERY weak. I got under the car and
    tried to trace the wire, but was not able. What I cut will be easy to
    re-solder - that's outside the sender. What broke was when I
    interpreted "disconnect the electrical connector" as pull the
    connector off of the sending unit. It does not come off the sending
    unit. Wait, it does - but it leaves broken wires behind inside. LOL
    Jamie, Mar 30, 2007
  7. Jamie

    James Sweet Guest

    LOL my phone would be ringing off the hook.

    Yeah you might consider picking up a new sending unit if there's a
    wrecker near you. You'll get a spare pre-pump that way too.
    James Sweet, Mar 30, 2007
  8. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    Thanks I will. I can get a 1988 model that doesn't fit my 1987 car for
    only $35 at one place, or $75 gets me one that fits my car at another


    I called FCP Groton today, they swore a 1987 ONLY fits a 1987. Darn.
    Jamie, Mar 31, 2007
  9. Jamie

    James Sweet Guest

    Ouch! I think they're only 8 bucks here, the yard I go to has a pair of
    '89s and a '90, I didn't realize those parts changed at all through the
    years aside from perhaps the electrical connector.
    James Sweet, Mar 31, 2007
  10. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    $8 for the entire in-tank sending unit, in-tank pump and filter?

    That's a good price!
    Jamie, Mar 31, 2007
  11. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    I think 85 and 87 were unique years, with 88-92 being next. FCP says
    the ones for a 240 are one size fits all.
    Jamie, Mar 31, 2007
  12. Jamie

    James Sweet Guest

    Yeah, I've been spoiled by them, even a transmission is only 50 bucks
    for a manual and 75 for an auto, but you have to pull everything
    yourself and half the time the cars are over a 4" deep lake in the mud.
    James Sweet, Mar 31, 2007
  13. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    Yes, we had a storm last night and I was tossing tires to make
    stepping stones across water to get to the car.

    After 70 miles driving to the parts yard WITH the 1987 Fuel Sender,
    CLOSED. Damn. So, backtracked 40 miles to other U-Pull-it yard for
    other parts. Instead of paying $75 for 1987 Fuel Sender at closed
    place, I paid $35 for a 1988 and will just cut the snap wire connector
    and splice. That is the only thing that looks different.

    Another $25 and I got 2 door handles ($5 each), a free dist. cap, a
    master cylinder for $15.

    $60 total. Not too bad.

    Jamie, Mar 31, 2007
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