1993 940t fuel door.......

Discussion in 'Volvo 940' started by ~^ beancounter ~^, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. When I went to get gas this am (1st time i have seen gas for < $2 in a
    long while) upon opening the fuel dddo, it fell off.. ;-( there is a
    sort of wire clip that remained on the door unit that ended up in the
    rear seat, upon close inspection, it k@@ks like the small plastic hing
    thingy on the bottom may have broken off...this would be on the hing
    that remained on the car side, not on the door (which now lives on the
    rear seat)...question: anyone have this problem in the past? how hard
    was it to fix?...thank you !!!!!
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Nov 6, 2006
  2. ~^ beancounter ~^

    Joe D Guest

    This URL will show you how:


    Joe D, Nov 6, 2006
  3. Joe D's link is a good description. I replaced mine once; it was under $10
    US at the dealer and was even in stock. The parts guy mentioned earlier
    models used metal hinges but when they were forced they were very hard to
    repair. The plastic is cheap to replace.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 6, 2006
  4. thanx everyone......

    ~^ beancounter ~^, Nov 6, 2006
  5. ~^ beancounter ~^

    R G Green Guest

    I've had one of these hinges on order for my 760 estate at my "Large" main
    dealer for the last two months, they say Sweden does not have any available,
    but they're still trying for me!!
    So if anyone has a spare one how about selling it to me please!! [presume
    the saloon one is the same as the estate one?].
    Gas at under $2!!!!! I wish!!!!
    Bob Green, UK.
    R G Green, Nov 7, 2006
  6. ~^ beancounter ~^

    James Sweet Guest

    Have you tried calling around to other dealers? When I needed one a
    couple years ago they were in stock locally and only about $6.
    James Sweet, Nov 7, 2006
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