1994 Auto, Shift knob override and odomiter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Charles, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. Charles

    Charles Guest

    Greetings All,
    I am in the process of putting a 94 850 w- 4 speed Auto and 2.4L engine
    on the road. I had a few questions I am hopping you might help with.

    1: The shift knob won't move out of park unless I press the little override
    button. Is this some kind of Anti-theft device? I know the car has been
    sitting for a while with a dead battery.

    2: the Odometer is not working and I need to fix it to get through
    inspection. Any thoughts on where to get parts or info on this type of
    issue. The book I bought on the car refers to the instrument pod as a sealed
    unit that must be replaced all at once. I removed and disassembled it but
    could find no obvious reason for the failure. The one I have is made in

    Any input would be helpful.

    Thanks, Charles

    2: The Odometer does not work
    Charles, Aug 24, 2004
  2. Charles

    Mike F Guest

    No, it's a safety feature, to stop you from moving the shifter out of
    park unless the brake is on. There's a microswitch that often fails,
    While you're in there, replace the bulb that lights up the shift
    There's drive gear on the odometer that cracks just like on the old 240
    mechanical speedometers. See

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    NOTE: new address!!
    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Aug 25, 2004
  3. Charles

    PButler111 Guest

    1: The shift knob won't move out of park unless I press the little override
    I'm having the same problem! This may sound wacky, but trust me -- go to
    Borders and take a look at the current issue of BUST magazine (not a porn mag,
    despite the title). There's a little section called something like "Ask
    Lucille" that addresses this exact problem. I just about jumped out of my skin
    when I read it, as it's the same thing I've been grappling with on my 240
    wagon. I actually called Lucille (she runs a chain called Transmissions by
    Lucille in the Pittsburgh area) and discussed it with her. I also took the
    article in to my mechanic. They've just ordered a new solenoid for the shift
    lock release and I'm very confident that will take care of the problem. But do
    go to Borders and take a look at the little article. Well worth the read!
    PButler111, Aug 25, 2004
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