1996 850 - That's all she wrote

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Robert Lutwak, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. Well, so much for that one.

    A couple of days ago, doing about 65 mph in the passing lane of Route 128
    around Boston, my 1996 850 suddenly decided to shift itself into neutral and
    stay there.

    Fortunately, I managed to coast safely across two lanes of traffic to the
    side of the road. I had it towed to the nearest Volvo dealer where they've
    determined it needs a new tranmission ($3200). While they were at it, they
    pointed out that I need new tie rod ends, steering knuckles, and motor
    mounts. Also, at 65,000 miles I'm almost due for a timing belt. They
    offered to do it all, in two weeks, for a mere $ 5500.

    So, that's it. It's over. Just two weeks ago I gave it a new exhaust
    system ($650). Now I've paid for the tow, a $50 cab ride, missed a day of
    work, and I've got to get it out of the dealer's lot before they start
    charging me for storage. I'll probably have to donate it to charity, which
    means I have to pay them to tow it away. I've spent a fortune on this car,
    including the purchase two years ago and the fact that it now has zero
    value, it's cost about $500/month.

    65,000 miles and not worth the price to fix it.

    Anyone out there want it?

    I will never buy another Volvo (though my wife still drives our other '96
    Robert Lutwak, Jul 14, 2005
  2. Did you buy it new? It is hard to believe there is a '96 850 out there
    with less than 100K on it.

    If it was a wagon, it would be worth fixing even if you just sold it.
    Stephen Henning, Jul 14, 2005
  3. find a used tranny and sway it out for $800
    including labor.......there are prob 100k miles left
    on the car....
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jul 14, 2005
  4. find a used tranny and sway it out for $800
    including labor.......there are prob 100k miles left
    on the car....
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jul 14, 2005
  5. find a used tranny and swap it out for $800
    including labor.......there are prob 100k miles left
    on the car....

    don't take an old volvo to a dealer...ever...they just
    want you to get into a newer one....find a good
    local machanic/volvo shop......
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jul 14, 2005
  6. Robert Lutwak

    James Sweet Guest

    I'd sure take it if I were nearby, junkyard tranny $150, timing belt and
    water pump $150, motor mounts and tie rod ends $100 or so, figure about a
    weekend and it'd be a heck of a car at a great price.
    James Sweet, Jul 14, 2005
  7. Is this car turbo?

    Where are you located?

    What is exterior color? Interior color?
    Pat Quadlander, Jul 14, 2005
  8. Robert Lutwak

    Henry Guest

    Erm...the OP did mention 'the purchase two years ago'.
    We just this week went over 69 000 _kilometres_ (<43K miles) on our '95
    850T (which we bought new).


    Henry, Jul 14, 2005
  9. Robert Lutwak

    Steve Guest

    Second opinion?

    Junkyard Trans?

    Independant shop?

    Transmission shop?

    Sure Volvo might be a better idea, but I am sure the trans can be repaired
    by any shop that has experence with european transmissions--Volvo, good as
    they are does not make their own transmissions, and I suspect that soon
    enough the jointly developed and (?) produced GM/Ford 6 speed slushbox will
    find it's way under Volvo hoods as well...

    Click and clack are in your city too, you know...
    Steve, Jul 14, 2005
  10. Robert Lutwak

    John Horner Guest

    I think that vehicle has a Japanese Aisin-Warner transmission, so a
    tranny shop which works on lots of Toyotas would be a good choice.

    John Horner, Jul 14, 2005
  11. Thank you all for your condolences.

    The car is dark gray, has a perfect black leather interior and drives
    beautifully (up until last Monday, that is). The AC works (probably still
    does too). It's got a factory stereo with CD (sorry I don't recall the SC#)
    to which I added Infinity speakers and a 12-disc Pioneer CD changer.

    KBB value is somewhere betweeh $3-4K.

    I bought it two years ago for $3000 at 58,000 miles. The reason I got it
    relatively cheap is that it had been in a an accident, and the hood, grill
    and front left headlight and fender were replaced. It has a "reconstructed"
    title. Perhaps the accident was the origin of the tranny problem, but I
    doubt it, beyond the front left corner, there is no sign of damage under the

    I first saw the dreaded "flashing up arrow" over a year ago. I took it to
    my foreign mechanic, who sent me to a tranny shop where they said they
    couldn't work on it because they don't have the VADIS computer. They sent
    me to the dealer who told me then (a year ago) that I needed a transmission.
    On the advice of this group, I instead had the tranny flushed and it has
    worked pretty well ever since. I've occasionally gotten the flashing
    up-arrow but it usually went away after a couple of restarts (see my earlier
    posts to this group).

    Now the car is parked at a different dealer, 30 miles away. It's undrivable
    and this dealer also declares that it needs a new tranny, for $3200. The
    car is obviously a lemon and wouldn't be worth $3200 after the repair. I
    need to get it towed away by the end of the week or the dealer will start
    charging me storage.

    Just getting it towed home would probably cost me $100. I suppose, if I
    owned a tow truck, I could drive it around to tranny shops until I found
    someone who could fix it, but I don't own a tow truck. Nor do I have the
    time to shop for a tranny in a junk yard and install it myself. Perhaps
    most importantly, I need a car to get to work.

    If you would like to have it towed away from 128 Volvo, at the intersection
    of 128 and 93, just north of Boston, you can have it for $500 (the stereo
    alone is worth more than that). Send me an Email quickly.

    I've always loved Volvos, this is my 7th in 30 years. I've had all of the
    usual problems over the years, collapsing seats, failed wiring, failed
    tankpumps, etc., which I took with good humor, but this is totally
    unacceptable. I will never buy another Volvo.
    Robert Lutwak, Jul 14, 2005
  12. just swap it out w/one running ok...it is cheaper and faster...in my
    expierence...(on my 3rd one in a 1993 940t)....aprox
    3 hrs labor...
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jul 15, 2005
  13. Robert Lutwak

    James Sweet Guest

    Probably more labor in an 850 since they're FWD, but I've never done major
    work on one so I can't say for sure.
    James Sweet, Jul 15, 2005
  14. Robert Lutwak

    James Sweet Guest

    Location?? If it's near Seattle I can go pick it up this weekend and pay the
    storage fee.

    A dead transmission hardly makes the car a lemon, it's just a dead
    transmission. Now if the car had the same fault multiple times then it could
    be considered a lemon, but most of the time "lemon" just means the mechanic
    is incompetent.
    James Sweet, Jul 15, 2005
  15. Robert Lutwak

    Alex Zepeda Guest

    I'm pretty sure you have to pull the engine to pull the transmission on
    the 850s. Not a fun job, also why replacing the clutch on said cars is
    quite spendy.
    Alex Zepeda, Jul 15, 2005
  16. Well, I'm not going to pull the engine and neither my mechanic (who's pretty
    competant) nor the tranny shop he recommended will touch it.

    I've got to deal with it today. The Volvo dealership has been fairly kind
    but is going to start charging me storage after today.

    One possibility is to have it towed to my house (my wife isn't so excited
    about this), for about $100, so I can swap some of the newer parts onto her
    '96 850 wagon. If I were to do this, I could at least stop and catch my
    breath while I figure out what to do with it. Unfortunately, her car
    doesn't need much so it may not be worth the $100 or the disdain of my
    neighbors for openning a chop shop in my driveway.

    Is there anyone else out there who'd like to buy some parts off of it (or
    the whole thing)?

    It's got a perfect black leather interior, brand new exhaust (converter
    back), new air pump and relay, new battery, and a good engine.

    Also, I made adapters to install a nice pair of Infinity speakers in the
    rear, using the original Volvo mounting hardware, which drop right into the
    rear deck with no cutting. They won't go into the wagon. Anyone want them?

    I don't really want to get into the autoparts business, but if I can recover
    some $$$ from it before junking it, it may be worth the $100 towing fee and
    some cross-eyed looks from the neighbors.

    I'm in Marblehead, MA, just north of Boston. If you're interested, let me
    know ASAP.
    Robert Lutwak, Jul 15, 2005
  17. have the car towed to your driveway...and count to 1,000...
    i wouldn't ever shoot a volvo w/less than 250k miles on it

    my $0.02.....
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jul 15, 2005
  18. Robert Lutwak

    Glenn Klein Guest

    Contact Erie Volvo www.erievovo.com they have Volvo parts have used them
    in the past with good results

    "*-344-*Never Forgotten"
    Is for the New York City Firemen who lost their lives on September 11,2001.
    The official count is 343, but there was also a volunteer who lost his life
    aiding in the initial rescue efforts. And I will never forget them as
    long as I live,
    nor should any American.
    Glenn Klein, Jul 16, 2005
  19. Robert Lutwak

    bitstream Guest

    Robert, I would reconsider your decision to let it go. The car is
    worth a lot more than you think. Don't let you dissapointment over
    ride the real value of the vehicle which is a lot more than a mere
    $500. Spend an afternoon to find a used transmission on the net or a
    local salvage yard. I think that's what I'd do if I had your problem.

    Best of luck.
    bitstream, Jul 16, 2005
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