1996 Volvo S40 - Electrical Fault?

Discussion in 'Volvo S40' started by Simmey, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. Simmey

    Simmey Guest

    Posted on behalf of a friend......... Can you help ??

    Took the wife out for a driving lesson at the weekend, and
    after a few stalls at junctions decided to try her on a quiter road. On
    getting back into the drivers seat I noticed that a door indicator light was
    still lit (general light on dash). I got out and re-checked all of the doors
    + boot (opened/closed) but all were closed tight. Reluctantly I got back
    into the car a pulled away. I then also noticed that the digital readouts
    and analogue dash displays were not registering speed, fuel, revs,
    etc...though the engine, indicator, door open, etc lights were all working
    as expected. Upon getting home and checking the systems a little further I
    also discovered that the radio, internal lights, and central locker were
    also not working.

    Now, I have checked ALL fuses, both under the dash and in the engine
    compartment but were okay. As none of these failed systems are supposed to
    have a common connection through the fuse box I was wondering where the
    problem may lie.

    One word of note is that we have had a faulty passenger side sun visor for
    some time that continually needed forcing into postion. This had a mirror
    with light. I thought that this may have caused a short somewhere so removed
    it last night and isolated the two wires with tape. This unfortunately did
    not make a difference.

    Any Suggestions.....?????


    Simmey, Nov 15, 2005
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