2000 Kia Sephia

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by THX 1138, Dec 19, 2004.

  1. THX 1138

    THX 1138 Guest

    -Last night, filled tank in 2000 Sephia with no previous signs of
    malfuntion. Drove home and parked it for about an hour.

    -Upon ignition, engine sputtered, but idled OK. During acceleration, ran
    very rough. After about three blocks, turned around and drove the trusty
    855 for 20 mile trip instead.

    -This morning, drove Kia about 2 miles to buy new fuel filter. On the way,
    noted that sputter occured in mid-throttle. Replaced filter, and restarted.

    -Let idle for several minutes and increased throttle. Sputtering still

    -Car has 52K miles. Bosch plugs and K&N filter only a few months old.

    What next?
    THX 1138, Dec 19, 2004
  2. Drain fuel tank and replace with fresh fuel from a different source. Then
    request the original fuel supplier to cough up and pay for the tank of dirty
    fuel (probably contaminated with water) and new filter. Or buy can of fuel
    cleaner and pour into your car's fuel tank.

    Cheers, Peter.
    Peter K L Milnes, Dec 20, 2004
  3. Sounds like bad gas - particularly water in the gas. Auto supply stores sell
    products to add to the tank - alcohol of various sorts, isopropyl being the
    best - to correct that. My guess is that the water stayed in suspension well
    enough until you parked the car, then it settled to the bottom of the tank
    and got picked up with the fuel.

    Michael Pardee, Dec 20, 2004
  4. THX 1138

    Perry Noid Guest

    while you're thinking about fuel, consider possibility that the fuel pump
    might be failing. I've been thru that twice now with my 89' 240, the most
    recent being this past week! Unexpectedly left me stranded on the side of a
    busy road, started and ran fine for an hour or so before that, so no
    warning. Replacing the main pump solved the problem, and the car actually
    seems to have a little more pep than I remember from the last few weeks, so
    perhaps that was my warning! I think the in-tank pump is ok (replaced with
    the main pump last time around), but will replace it too, when we get a
    little warmer weather here in Atlanta...
    Perry Noid, Dec 20, 2004
  5. Always a possibility, although in more recent cars with OBD II fuel pump
    weakness should bring in the "check engine" light as the mixture won't stay

    Michael Pardee, Dec 20, 2004
  6. Trade it in for a used 850!
    Steve n Holly, Dec 20, 2004
  7. Ok if that is not in the cards buy 2 or 3 bottles of 'dry gas' and put one
    in the tank now with no additional fuel added--run the gas down to 1/8 tank,
    then pour the 2 remaining bottles of dry gas in and fill with quality fuel
    of the usual octane (ie regular no advantage to using high octane)

    Happy motoring!
    Steve n Holly, Dec 20, 2004
  8. Oh gheez. um - it could be nearly anything with a KIA and that
    many miles. My guess would be the MAF or something simmilar is shot.
    If the car has an EGR valve, that is also a place to look. Sometimes
    both die at once. Well, one is dead already and the other dies. The
    computers can no longer compensate.

    I'd take it to the dealer and use that 10 year warranty.
    Joseph Oberlander, Dec 29, 2004
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