240 AC knob mystery

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by z, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. z

    z Guest

    How does the AC control on the 240 (1989) fasten? Mine was converted to
    Freon-less with the Volvo kit, which apparently replaced the dash
    control, and the whole little rectangle is sort of loose now, even
    though the knob/control is firmly fixed to the rectangle. There doesn't
    seem to be a nut where I'd expect one, under the knob on a threaded
    extension around the control shaft. I popped off the seat belt warning
    light rectangle next to the AC position, but I can't see or feel
    anything in back of the Ac control that's helpful. ?? thanks.
    z, Nov 28, 2005
  2. z

    James Sweet Guest

    The conversion shouldn't have involved the control assembly, I suspect
    it just became loose with age. Pull the knob off, now if you look
    closely there's a seam around the panel and you can pop the rectangular
    piece off with a tiny screwdriver revealing the nut you're looking for.
    James Sweet, Nov 28, 2005
  3. z

    z Guest

    Just using up bandwidth to say thanks!
    z, Nov 28, 2005
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