240 overheating

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by jsegura525, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. jsegura525

    jsegura525 Guest

    I just arrived home from buying a 240 in San Francisco.
    As I was driving across the Arizona Death Valley I noticed
    that as I went up hills or mountains that the temp. gauge
    went almost to red zone, almost every time..
    Any advise would be helpful, ma says that the temp. sensor
    is probably in the front of the engine and that when the
    car was leaning back on the hills that the sensor was more
    likely to read hot...
    Please help.
    jsegura525, Jul 22, 2007
  2. jsegura525

    James Sweet Guest

    The location of the sensor makes no difference, it's around the middle of
    the cylinder head and the coolant is flowing at a pretty quick rate.

    Clogged radiator can cause this, marginal fan clutch, stuck thermostat, etc.
    James Sweet, Jul 22, 2007
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