240 shut down/start-up problems

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by rogadelic, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. rogadelic

    rogadelic Guest

    I have an 86 240 DL sedan with 107K miles.

    I am now experiencing the following problems, which I hope are
    interconnected and caused by a single common problem, like a relay. I
    don't know the terminology, so I hope my layman's description of the
    symptoms is enough for you to go on.

    1) Periodically, when turning the car off after a couple hours of
    highway driving, the engine shuts down fine but some kind of very loud
    whirring motor sound/feeling with clicks and grinding noises continues
    from behind the center of the dash behind the radio, and quickly
    increases in pitch, as if the car were being shifted to a higher gear.
    It usually takes a couple re-starts and shut-downs to get it to stop.

    2) Again, while coming off a few hours of highway driving recently, I
    idled the car in "park" for a few minutes in a rest stop while I heeded
    nature's call. I noticed a new gentle buzzing sound, similar to an
    insect noise, coming from somewhere under the car, towards the rear, on
    the driver's side. Then as soon as I put it in drive, it stalled out.
    When I attempted to restart, all I got was a loud "thunk," which I
    could also feel under my feet (driver's side) as if some part was
    turning a half rotation then stopping.

    3) Several other occurances of this no start/thunk thing.

    4) Once, after the shut-down problem in #1, I restarted the car with no
    problem, but all the electronics were out -- instrument, radio,
    headlights, climate control. The instrument cluster then flashed once
    before going dead again. I pulled into a gas station, and again
    experienced the shut down problem from #1.

    5) I've blown and replaced 5 radio/cigarette lighter fuses in as many

    I guess I should add that these problems only started this winter.

    Bottom line: Is this an electrical problem, like a relay? Or is it a
    problem with the fuel pump system? Or the fuses, battery?

    ANY HELP is much appreciated. This board is always helpful.

    rogadelic, Feb 16, 2006
  2. rogadelic

    User Guest

    1)No clue. Starter, Heater motor, recirculate door closing????
    2)Main fuel pump buzzing noise. When it stops you walk. Remove #4 fuse
    when car is running. The noise should be quieter with the fuse
    installed. If there is no change the in-tank prepump or prepump hose are
    not contributing.
    2a)Starter, or possible (probably likely) engine harness problem or
    both.)Also sounds as if a motor mount is broken.
    4)Gently turn the key towards the I position after having the motor
    running in the II position. If you can duplicate the dash light problem
    the ignition switch is going bad.
    5) Check the wiring for the power antenna, behind the spare tire in the
    trunk. Even if you don't have a power antenna the wairing is there and
    can chafe in the clip on the left hand hinge that holds it and the wires
    for the trunk light, tag lights and trunk lock wires.

    User, Feb 17, 2006
  3. rogadelic

    rogadelic Guest

    Thanks Bob. I wonder why I didn't get the usual number of replies on
    this one. Have I violated some message board etiqutte or something?

    As for #1, I definitely think it's the starter. I will do as you
    suggest on #2 and #3.

    #4 makes sense. There are a lot of wires/cables in the spare tire well
    in the trunk. What are the others, and if they are getting banged
    around, could it be causing any of my other problems?

    BTW, the car is now officially dead. Turn ignition and starter makes
    noise but engine won't turn. I think I definitely have a fuel pump,
    filter, or relay problem.

    Also, I looked at the relays on the driver's fire wall and couldn't
    determine which is the fuel pump relay. There was a small white one
    bolted to the firewall and a big translucent plastic relay just hanging
    there, tucked in with a small black relay.
    rogadelic, Feb 17, 2006
  4. rogadelic

    Russ Guest

    #1) sounds like the starter selenoid. Could be a bad starter or a loose
    ground cable.

    #2) "buzzing" is the electric fuel pump. "thunk" is the starter trying
    to engage, could be a poor battery or an electical problem or the
    starter itself.

    #3) Yeah sounds like you have some electrical problems. I would
    suggest checking the ground straps on the engine. This is not all that
    uncommon in older vehicles the coating on the wires becomes brittle and
    cracks then driving moves it just enough to short occasionally.

    #4) see #3

    #5) Run a new power wire to the radio.

    Russ, Feb 18, 2006
  5. rogadelic

    rogadelic Guest

    Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.
    rogadelic, Feb 19, 2006
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