240 shutdown

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by Ecomoda, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. Ecomoda

    Ecomoda Guest

    1989 240 DL automatic w/about 140k

    Turned off while accelerating, turned off when sittin in park with a/c on,
    and turned off when backing up and shifting from reverse to drive. Turns
    right back on when I crank. What could it be now?

    1. changed main fuel filter
    2. new plugs
    3. new air filter
    4. everything okay with AMM
    5. cleaned throttle body
    6. Mechanic installed new in-tank fuel pump (mine was failing)
    7. Mechanic installed new in-tank fuel sending unit

    Any ideas anyone? Is it time for another $1,200 car?
    Ecomoda, Sep 1, 2003
  2. Ecomoda

    bluefox Guest

    replace the fuel relay.
    bluefox, Sep 1, 2003
  3. Ecomoda

    PROCOBOB Guest

    Did the motor stop running, or did you lose all electrical power also? If you
    lost electrical power, it could be ignition switch module.
    PROCOBOB, Sep 1, 2003
  4. Ecomoda

    Ecomoda Guest

    nope, it just turned off and all the little red lights on dash lit up but
    the radio kept on playing I believe.

    Today it RPMed quite high in the morning and then was okay later on in the
    day. I wonder what that was due to.
    Ecomoda, Sep 2, 2003
  5. Ecomoda

    Lyle Beaulac Guest

    Could be that @#%$%$ corroded fuse holder on the left fenderwell. I don't
    know if your '89 has it, but I tripped over this one with my girlfriend's
    '85 last month. Car stalled at random with no discernable pattern. Cleaned
    up the fuse and holder and no problems since.

    Lyle Beaulac, Sep 3, 2003
  6. Ecomoda

    Ecomoda Guest

    Problem fixed. It was the very badly damaged cable of the 'engine speed
    sensor'. Engine heat and age (mostly heat) did it in.

    My volvo mechanic drove it and came back. He jiggled a few cables, jiggled
    that one and the car turned off. We let it cool for an hour, removed the
    sensor, saw it was damaged, replaced it, and voula. 53 bucks later it's

    Thanks to everyone who helped me out. I guess we all have to add this to our
    list of issues for volvos turning off unexpectedly. Heh.

    Have a great weekend, Hector
    Ecomoda, Sep 5, 2003
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