240DL - Smoke when turning...

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by Jason Williard, Sep 30, 2003.

  1. The Volvo: 1987 240DL Wagon

    The Issue: On occasion, I will make a left hand turn at a higher speed than
    usual or may make a sharper left hand turn and I will notice smke coming out
    from the back of the car. If I stop, I can see a little bit of smoke coming
    out from under the car. This has been occuring for a couple of years now,
    but no one has been able to fix it or figure out why it is happening,
    including my mechanic.

    One time, after this occured, I stopped the car and looked underneath. It
    appeared to be coming from the center of the car, directly under the

    Does anyone have any clue as to what might be causing this?

    Jason Williard, Sep 30, 2003
  2. Jason Williard

    Just Allan Guest

    For smoke to appear so quickly, it must be caused by friction. Since
    you're turning the corner harder than usual, it supports this
    conclusion. My main guess is the clutch plate could be giving off
    smoke from slipping - you're going around the corner harder than
    normal, car can only give so much acceleration before something has to
    give. You can test it by *making* the clutch slip and see if it's the
    same smell. Also keep in mind the half-moon seal in the back of the
    engine... When it leaks, oil makes its way between the engine and
    gearbox. When you turn the corner hard, this oil might be "tilting"
    enough to touch just a little on the clutch plate. Again - friction &
    oil - produces smoke.

    Could also be (but not as likely), the rubber mount/bearing the drive
    shaft slots through.

    Just Allan, Sep 30, 2003
  3. It might also be one of the wheels rubbing in the front.
    Imagine if one of the suspension parts is shot - drives fine
    until you pur sideways stress, then the wheel goes a bit
    too far - smoke all under the car.
    Joseph Oberlander, Sep 30, 2003
  4. Jason Williard

    AJS Guest

    What does the smoke smell like ? Follow the smell and you will find the
    problem. If your mechanic has seen the smoke but couldn't figure out where
    is was coming from then I would be looking for a new mechanic. Oil, trans
    fluid, rubber, clutch and coolant all smell very different. It maybe that
    fluid is finding its way onto your exhaust and burning off.

    AJS, Sep 30, 2003
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