70 series headlamp lens replacement

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jr, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. jr

    jr Guest

    I am wondering if anyone has done a headlamp lens replacement on a 70
    series car?
    I have seen that one can buy just the lens element, rather than the
    entire assembly. I looked my car over and there seems to be 3 bolts that
    hold the assembly in place and 8 to 10 clips that hold the lens on to
    the main housing.

    I would much like to hear from anyone that has removed the whole
    assembly for what is involved, is it just the 3 bolts?
    Also, like to know what fun and games I am in for to replace the lens.
    Is it glued in place? Is there an "O" ring? Does one simply reuse the
    clips and is there some nice way to get them on and off?

    If it makes any difference, I have headlamp wipers on this car.

    Last thought, is there a vacuum issue and if so any suggestions for how
    to vacuum and seal it up again. I have a small vacuum pump.

    Thanks very much for all replies
    jr, Jan 17, 2005
  2. jr

    Mike F Guest

    There's just the 3 bolts, and the electrical connection. The signal
    comes away with the headlight, just leave it hang on the wires, it'll
    snap back into place after the headlight is reinstalled. Then you need
    to remove the wiper stop, and all the clips holding the lens on. One
    clip will be glued, but the glue will break away fairly easily when you
    pry that clip off. I reused the original rubber gasket as it looked
    better than the one that came with the new lens. There's no vacuum

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Jan 18, 2005
  3. jr

    jr Guest

    Thanks very much Mike, I really appreciate it.
    jr, Jan 18, 2005
  4. jr

    jr Guest

    Well it looks like I will be doing this in the deep frezze.
    I plan to remove the assy and bring it inside where it is warmer.
    Any info on how to remove the wiper stop? What is the best direction to
    access it from?
    jr, Jan 20, 2005
  5. jr

    Mike F Guest

    The wiper stop is screwed into the headlight assembly from the bottom.
    It's easily accessible when the headlight is out of the car. The wiper
    arm will just fold out of the way.

    Also, I've found that a Gear Wrench (ratcheting boxend combination
    wrench) is perfect for this job. If you've been thinking of getting a
    set, now's the time! There are different types, some have the normal
    15° offset and a lever to change direction, some are flat, you just turn
    them over to change direction. The 15° offset is much better in this
    case. (Mine are Craftsman branded, from Sears.)

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Jan 21, 2005
  6. jr

    Jordan B. Guest

    From my November 24th post. Hope it helps!!

    So I finally got around to replacing the cracked headlight lens on my S70.
    From what I had read in this group it sounded like it would be time
    consuming if not particularly daunting. Within an hour and with 2 slightly
    dirty hands the job was done. The new lens looks great! I ordered the
    replacement from IPD and even though it took 6 weeks to arrive (The union
    that takes care of cross border importation in Canada went on strike the day
    after I placed my order!) all was in order. The replacement lens comes with
    new clips and a new rubber seal.

    Listed below are the necessary steps to complete the replacement:

    On the back of the headlight assembly are 3 bolts that hold the headlight
    unit to the front crossmember. Remove these.
    Extend headlight wiper if you have that option.
    Uncouple headlight connector from the back of the headlight unit.
    Uncouple second connector from the inboard side of the headlight unit.
    Gently (!!!) start to pull the headlight unit out of it's position while
    lifting just enough so as not to scrape the paint on the bumper.
    It will seem like the unit will not come out but it will eventually. There
    is a slide lock on the outer parking light attachment which will come out
    attached to the main headlight unit.
    Uncouple the parking light connector. The unit will now come away as one
    Gently (!!!) slide the parking light portion forward while pushing backwards
    on the headlight unit. They are held together by another slide lock and will
    come apart eventually.
    Prise up on the clips holding the lens to the headlight unit. They come off
    more easily than it might appear they would. Or at least mine did.
    Remember to remove the headlight wiper clip from the bottom as the lens will
    not come away with it in place!
    Once all clips are removed prise the lens away from the headlight unit. Mine
    was original and was fitted very tightly as it had been there for 5 years.
    The lens will come away and the rubber seal should be re-usable if need be.
    Be very careful not to break the plastic track the seal sits in.
    Remove the rubber seal from the track in the headlight unit and clean the
    track well. Relpace with new seal and fit new headlight lens.
    Very gently snap new clips onto lens and headlight unit. I used a pair of
    needlenose pliers in reverse (To pull apart not squeeze together) to get the
    clips on. They have 2 holes in their tops that makes this possible.
    Once the headlight unit is together reverse all steps to put the unit back
    Just remember to replace the headlight wiper clip or you will have to remove
    the unit a second time like I did!

    That should be it. I didn't need to remove anything in the engine bay to get
    at the 3 screws holding the unit in as others has mentioned they needed to.
    I have a digital camera and was going to take pictures but forgot to. Hope
    this helps!!

    Jordan 1999 S70 Loaded!
    Jordan B., Jan 22, 2005
  7. jr

    jr Guest

    Thanks for the details. I got lucky one day with warm weather at 28
    degrees f and did the job (it had been in the single digits and below 0
    for many days here) I did not have the racheting box wrench you
    mentioned. I can see how it would have speed things up. I found the
    round hole in the side fender to be helpful to manipulating the outside
    screw. The clips are a nice design. I found that when replacing them
    hooking them on the plastic side first and then pressing them in place
    over the glass edge worked well. I was careful to not pry againist the
    plastic when they were coming off. The aftermarket lens looks remarkably
    similar to the original (light pattern) so I am happy, it is also DOT
    approved, so no issues there. I found this to be easier than I expected
    it would be.

    A note of caution the side marker lamp housing appears to me to be made
    of a plastic that becomes VERY brittle in the cold. I have found that
    the locking tabs will not unlatch without breaking the locking tab. I
    have found that in the cold temps it is common that in order to release
    the side marker lamp housing the locking tab must be pushed past the
    point that the plastic will stay together. I ended up doing a hidden
    wire retention to keep the housing in place. Can't tell from outside,
    only with the hood up.

    Does anyone know are newer housings made from a material that performs
    better in cold weather?
    jr, Jan 31, 2005
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