So I decided to do a test fit before I bother to put the fabric on this thing. I still have no idea how to get this thing in without breaking it, and it's starting to get a bit frustrating. I've heard some people say to use the front passenger door, but others have told me the rear passenger door. I tried all four doors, seats slid forward and fully reclined, seats fully folded forward, seats back and reclined, you name it. With the seats reclined back, the headliner board flat out won't fit through the rear door, it's about 8" too wide. With them folded forward it goes in the door but runs into the center console with the other corner touching the roof. Going through the front door it hits the door even with it fully open, with the seat back all the way it goes in the door at one angle but hits the center console. How are people getting these things in?? Are they magicians or something? Even if I completely remove all the seats and the console I'm still not sure it'd fit. Help!