760 Wiper issues PLEASE HELP!

Discussion in 'Volvo 760' started by Patrick, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. Patrick

    Patrick Guest

    I have a 1986 764T which I have owned nearly 8 years. Last spring I
    replaced the wiper blades with Bosch MicroEdge, and then the trouble
    started. The wipers would be jerky, and sometimes stop or get stuck. It
    sounded to me like the motor was wearing out and couldn't operate against
    the increased resistance of the new wiper blades, so the local Volvo repair
    shop replaced the motor with a good used one (they even said at the time
    that wiper motors don't usually go bad on 7xx's). The problem is no
    better. Perhaps 30% they will get stuck before moving, 40% they will move
    and get stuck mid sweep, 20% they will operate ok but jerky and sluggish,
    and 10% they will operate almost normally. When the problem did not get
    better after the replaced motor, the shop banged around and gave it a
    temporary fix. A few months later I took the cowl off and removed the
    assembly, which I cleaned and lubed with wd40. It seemed better for a
    couple of days, but I still have the problem. The senior mechanic who no
    longer works on cars but rather runs the business thought he remembered
    something like an intermittent relay causing a problem like this on these
    models. I also have considered maybe a bad ground wire or similar? When
    the wiper gets stuck, it doesn't drag on the power (no change on alternator
    gauge) so that makes me think it might be electrical. Also, in theory, the
    motor is fine, since it was just replaced. But why would the problem start
    when I replaced the wiper blades, when they had worked fine up until then?

    I have come to realize that problems are rarely isolated occurrences; that
    others with the same model may have encountered similar problems. Has
    anyone had a problem like this? This car is my "rainy day" and winter
    driver, so wipers are an important feature! I realize this isn't click and
    clack, but PLEASE if you have any experience with a problem like this let
    me know. I am stumped.

    Thanks in advance,
    Kentucky, USA
    Patrick, Dec 2, 2003
  2. Patrick

    Mike F Guest

    There was a grounding problem, and a separate ground wire was added to
    the linkage near the driver's wiper pivot. Noting that the screw used
    is steel, and the wiper linkage aluminum, there is usually lots of
    corrosion around that connection these days. Also - WD 40 is not a
    great lubricant - try removing the linkage and dipping each end into a
    can of oil to get some lube into the pivots.
    Mike F, Dec 2, 2003
  3. Patrick

    Patrick Guest

    Thanks, I'll give it another try.
    Patrick, Dec 2, 2003
  4. Patrick

    Myron Samila Guest

    Did you try putting on different wiper blades?

    I put some Canadian Tire Teflon winter blades, they are super quiet, $40/pair, and leave
    the windshield clean after the first pass.

    They are fantastic. But, regular blades would work just as well when they are new. I
    have a 1987 760 GLE which gets driven in a very salted city in the winter. Luckily, I've
    only had one small alternator wire issue in relation to electrical. The wipers work

    Myron Samila
    Toronto, ON Canada
    Samila Racing
    Myron Samila, Dec 6, 2003
  5. Patrick

    El Mecky Guest


    Nice to see you again. Haven't checked the newsgroup for a long time. I was
    gonna advice this guy to check for a sepparate condensator wich feeds this
    thing, but got confused if this was on my 1987 740, wich finally died after
    750K km (!) or on my 1985 245. I'll try to check Vadis, somewhere end of
    next week, but if you know the answer, we might give him some easy and cheap
    sollution. Both of my cars have had the problem and over here, in rainy
    Netherlands, it wasn't funny at all (problem will get worse untill no wiper
    function at all!)

    regards, Frank v. H.

    p.s. Drive a '99 V70 2.0 automatic now. Just had foglights installed today,
    still looking for HU-901, RTI-nav and some other options
    El Mecky, Dec 7, 2003
  6. Patrick

    Patrick Guest

    There was a grounding problem, and a separate ground wire was added
    I have had about 25% wiper function this weekend (= 75% wiper
    dysfunction) so I am anxious to get this fixed. Let me know what you
    can find. Thanks, Patrick
    Patrick, Dec 7, 2003
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