'82 DL won't fire...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by gary, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. gary

    gary Guest

    Hoping that the combined wisdom herein can help me...I parked my 82 DL
    3 years ago, and started and ran it religiously for about 4 months,
    then got lazy, and every couple of months went to every six months to
    once a year...Anyway, after installing a new battery, the engine turns
    over fine, but the engine won't fire and run. It has new fuel, but it
    did sit for about a year without being started. I've tried a mechanics
    suggestion of starter fluid (spray ether), and it will fire
    momentarily, and then still not fire...Any thoughts on the problem and
    possible solutions?
    gary, Jul 5, 2006
  2. gary

    zencraps Guest

    Start with elementary troubleshooting: determine whether the problem is
    with electric or fuel.

    Take it from there.
    zencraps, Jul 5, 2006
  3. gary

    User Guest

    Probably corrosion on the fuses or a dead fuel injection relay, unless
    the mice ate into the harnesses.

    User, Jul 5, 2006
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