850 (1996) Won't Start

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Jeff Lesperance, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. You may want to try the message boards at brickboard.com or swedespeed.com
    Jeff Lesperance, Feb 3, 2004
  2. Jeff Lesperance

    Dusters Guest

    had the sam prob...it was the fuel pump relay for me!
    Dusters, Feb 26, 2004
  3. Jeff Lesperance

    Victor Guest

    I had the same problem except with our hot (North QLD, Australia) summers,
    where the car would stop and not start until it had cooled for a few

    Took the fuel pump relay out and resoldered most of the joints, now works a

    So basically if your Volvo ain't starting, check the relay.


    Victor, Mar 2, 2004
  4. Jeff Lesperance

    rl92821 Guest

    We purchased this car several months ago, and have not had any problems
    until this past week when the temperature got down to -20 deg at night. The
    car would not start the next morning. It was turning over easily, but
    sounded like it not getting gas or spark. We pushed it into the garage and
    put the heater on, thinking the problem was with moisture in the gas line /
    or filter. But the most we could get was for the car to run a few seconds.
    The Volvo dealer is more than a 100 miles away - so I would like to fix this
    myself if possible. Any Ideas? or similar experience?
    rl92821, Mar 3, 2004
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