850 - best car I ever had

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Henry, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. Henry

    Henry Guest

    This is partially in response to a earlier post...... it turned into a
    rant and I decided to post it separately.*************************************************************************

    On alt.autos.volvo, someone wrote: (and I quote)

    "They have spent considerable time with
    the 850 in the shop and have decided to never buy another Volvo."

    Well it just goes to show, you never know. The '96 year model was the best for the 850. Other earlier years gave many the blues.


    MY '96 850 Turbo, with 123k miles on it, cradles me like a fetus in the womb of a mother. Of course, it has had every maintenance item done on time. The Space Shuttle Columbia was not any better serviced, yet there was the regrettable failure of the Columbia. Of course that was due to unforeseen circumstance. Nevertheless, that does serve to portray the incalculable well, in context.
    There are individual circumstances, and those, while true to life, are not indicative of the collective experience.
    I would recommend the '96 850 to anyone, providing the auto has been examined and judged by a person knowledgable, fit.

    I just got a K&N air filter for my '96 850... she runs like the wind. I was driving home today and had the misfortune of being behind one of those large tanker trucks... it was making 60mph on a 70mph stretch. I waited till the traffic cleared and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. The 850 exploded with acceleration... by the time I was passing the cab/front of the giant truck I was making 100mph. I had an open stretch ahead, and held the pedal to the floor. The speed climbed surely and softly to 110mph, 115mph, 120, 125, 130... I let off the gas as the trees were going by so fast they were blurring into a collage of green. The car was quiet and easy at those speeds.
    The car is going on 9 years old and runs smooth like a new car.
    I love the '96 850.

    If you know of a car as good, please recommend it.

    Henry, Feb 13, 2004
  2. Henry

    Stuart Gray Guest

    for the 850. Other earlier years gave many the blues.
    womb of a mother. Of course, it has had every maintenance item done on time.
    The Space Shuttle Columbia was not any better serviced, yet there was the
    regrettable failure of the Columbia. Of course that was due to unforeseen
    circumstance. Nevertheless, that does serve to portray the incalculable
    well, in context.
    indicative of the collective experience.
    examined and judged by a person knowledgable, fit.
    was driving home today and had the misfortune of being behind one of those
    large tanker trucks... it was making 60mph on a 70mph stretch. I waited till
    the traffic cleared and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. The 850 exploded
    with acceleration... by the time I was passing the cab/front of the giant
    truck I was making 100mph. I had an open stretch ahead, and held the pedal
    to the floor. The speed climbed surely and softly to 110mph, 115mph, 120,
    125, 130... I let off the gas as the trees were going by so fast they were
    blurring into a collage of green. The car was quiet and easy at those
    Very Zen like, but I know what you mean. I fantasise daily about getting
    that kind of response out of my 2 litre auto 740 estate. I miss my old
    manual 2.3 litre GLT with overdrive. One day................
    Stuart Gray, Feb 14, 2004
  3. Henry

    John Horner Guest

    Hmmm, I also have a well maintained '96 850, but I'm not impressed with the
    fact that the ABS controller failed, the heater fan failed, the front ball
    joints failed, the rear shocks leaked at 30k miles, etc. Then there is the
    driver's side wiper arm which warps mysteriously and the glove box door
    which did a bit of bending and let the glove box light stay on, which in
    turn killed the battery when I was out of town for a week. Then there was
    the leaking heater core and failed ignition electrical switch. At the
    moment the HVAC recirculate function doesn't work because the little plastic
    arm gave up the ghost.Ah yes, and the door panel inside skins which came
    unglued at two years of age.

    All of the above are common faults for this vintage 850 based on reading of
    various web sources. Luckily I have not yet had the dreaded A/C evaporator

    Thus my 850 isn't the worst car I've ever owned, but hardly ranks as the
    best where reliability and cost of repair are taken into account.

    John Horner, Feb 14, 2004
  4. Henry

    AB Guest

    I've got to agree with Hank - my '96 855 TDI has been terrific -
    fortunately I've had none of the problems you have listed John.

    AB, Feb 14, 2004
  5. Henry

    Steve Guest

    On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 23:14:31 -0800, John Horner wrote:

    "driver's side wiper arm which warps mysteriously"

    Hey John, I had that also! (on my 850) And nobody could figure it out
    including the dealer. Obviously new wipers didn't fix it. The symptom
    would be the arm would skitter across the windshield, as opposed to
    sweeping smoothly. So one day I got to drinking some beer. And I was
    thinking about that crazy wiper arm. And I thought, it's almost as if the
    armm, on the down sweep, is at the wrong angle. Sort of "biting" the
    glass. So I had another beer, and kept brooding on it.. I walked out to
    the car and looked and it seemed like it really was coming across at the
    wrong angle. I kept studying it and you guessed it, I grabbed another
    beer. Well, the 3 beers said (or it might have been the Devil) actually
    they whispered.... "Bend that sucker. Bend the arm so it hits at the right
    angle and the problem will go away."

    I got a soft clothe and wrapped the arm. I gently applied a (if I
    remember) a counter-clockwise force to it. Then tested, it still did it
    but was improved! So long story short I kept bending a little and testing
    an now am happy to report the wiper arm is smooth as it can be.

    Hope that helps!

    PS Also my ABS controller is bad... the light doesn't come on in cold
    weather but will if the weather is warm. But all things considered, I
    really like the car. quad SRS, etc,etc... nice ride.
    Steve, Feb 14, 2004
  6. Henry

    Gus Guest

    How about a Mazda Miata. It doesn't have the people or cargo capacity of
    the Volvo, it doesn't have the "put the peddle to the metal beat the doors
    off a Mustang" acceleration of the Volvo, but there is nothing like the top
    down, wind in your hair, sun in your face feeling of driving a Miata.


    P.S. The Miata is also built like a rock. I have over 160,000 miles on mine
    with not a single major repair.
    Gus, Feb 14, 2004
  7. Henry

    LaoFuZhi Guest

    My '97 850 Estate has 115K on the clock. It's been dealer serviced all it's
    life. And while in my hand carefully serviced by a trusted mechanic at
    roughtly half the dealer-recommned intervals. The exhaust, though properly
    suspended and gas-tight groans and moans at an annoying high volume and low
    frequency. So much so it can be detected over the CD player, even at full

    I can't open the glove box door. I shut it one day and it just won't open
    again. No doubt butchery will be necessary to retreive my property when I
    eventually dispose of the thing. The 'emergency' mode of the ECU results in
    the car cutting out. Something I recently discovered when the engine coolant
    sensor failed. The loss of power occured in the midst of a contra-flow on a
    busy motorway in the dark. It could have been VERY dangerous. The central
    locking is not dependable, nor is the remote nor the alarm system. the
    mechanical door locks often jam It's not OBD-II compliant despite having an
    OBD-II socket (clearly marked as such). So money was wasted on a code reader
    for it and inconvenience caused.... And I've not got round to fiddling with
    switches, L.E.D.s and resistors in order to clear the fault light......
    (life being "too short to stuff a mushroom")

    All in all the car 'feels' wrong. I don't generally like FWD cars, and
    loaded up (I run a video production Company) I experience frequent loss of
    grip and instability. The car has of course passed it's UK M.O.T. test and
    the suspension has been checked and pronounced normal by a Volvo dealer....
    In fact there are receipts for new front and rear dampers bought shortly
    before I got the car... The clutch; also pronounced healthy by Volvo
    specialists is 'spongy' and squeals slightly on take up. The handbrake
    siezes if left on for more than about 48 hours. And the dreaded (and
    apparently common) rough braking from the rear discs is VERY evident.......

    Oh yeah! and it goest through thermostats! Every 2500 miles they stick open
    leaving the car with a poor heater.... Bit of a problem here where it's
    generally cold, damp and dreich......

    I was brought up on Volvo Estate cars. At 42 I can remember , as a toddler,
    my Uncle Terry's big old sand coloured Volvo estate filled to the roof with
    goods for his business... I was about 15 when he replaced it with another!
    Our family had close links with the Chinese catering trade. All our friends
    family ran take-aways, restaurants and other businesses for years using
    Volvos as workhorses.... As have I! Al cars have foibles. But in the past
    I've found Volvos to be about the most robust and reliable vehicles on the

    The 850 is a good looking car. Looks well in Company livery and image wise
    does us no harm. But frankly it's just not good enough as a vehicle. It's a
    crude as anything Ford Citroen Fiat or Vauxhall could throw at us. Not that
    they're necessarily 'bad' vehicles; it's just that Volvo has always been and
    I expect it it be a 'cut above'....That's why they cost that wee bit more.

    I'd expected to run this thing for about three years. My gameplan now, after
    7 months and 10,000 miles is to release some cash from somewhere and get
    rid. My saloon car is an old Mercedes 190. And when I say old I mean really
    quite old ('H' Reg) I did 22,000 miles in that car last year and it had one
    repair! The water pump began to weep slightly... replacement was quick cheap
    and easy. It's stood outside in the hail rain and snow of a Scottish winter
    for up to six weeks at a time. And it starts and runs on the nail without so
    much as a creak from brakes or clutch that might be justified in siezing
    after that treatment.... It's warm in three minutes and returns far better
    fuel figures than the Volvo.....

    So, when my 850 goes I won't be buying another. In fact after this
    experience I'm really put off Volvos altogether. The old RWD models are a
    bit dated looking (not that good for business) and I'm just not convinced
    that build quality\design in the newer ones is as good as it once was I
    thought Mercedes were overpriced. Wondered why so many of my friends and
    relatives had gone over to them. I just thought they were being 'flash'.....
    Why is the carpark in the Glasgow Chinatown no longer 'Volvo-City'???? BUT
    now I'LL be reaching a little deeper into my pocket this time and paying
    the difference....

    And that's a sad end to a lifelong affection and regard for Volvo cars.....
    LaoFuZhi, Feb 14, 2004
  8. Henry

    Sammy Guest

    One cannot say that one specific car is best based on such a small

    You need the real life experience of thousands of owners in order to
    provide valuable info.

    Both 850 and 900 series are great cars. It's more a matter of
    personal taste. Some prefer blondes, others, brunettes. I prefer
    Sammy, Feb 14, 2004
  9. " held the pedal to the floor. The speed climbed surely and softly
    to 110mph, 115mph, 120, 125, 130... I let off the gas as the trees
    were going by so fast they were blurring into a collage of green. The
    car was quiet and easy at those speeds. The car is going on 9 years
    old and runs smooth like a new car. I love the '96 850."

    sweeettt...sounds like yout 850 is "Dialed in" and in "major payback
    mode"...ie: rewarding a driver w/good motoring expierences for
    upkeep & maintenance......in my limited motoring expierence, there
    is little to compair w/driving a well maintained volvo w/> 100k miles
    on it...that runs smooth, solid, and may go like STINK if a turbo...
    a great pair of brakes just adds to the +++ situation...have fun!!
    your 850...i wouls likw to get my hands on a 97-99 850r wagon to
    fix up and cruise in...that one looks sweeettt...not too much $$ now
    eather, w/100k miles on one...

    outtt...richard / colorado
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Feb 14, 2004
  10. Henry

    Bill Stehlin Guest

    I believe it was the latest IPD newsletter which had a blurb on fixing
    the skipping/dragging wiper problem along these same lines--two open
    end wrenches with cloth for protection. IPD didn't mention the beer,
    but that certainly wouldn't hurt.
    Bill Stehlin, Feb 15, 2004
  11. Henry

    Doug Warner Guest

    I bent mine flat again, then added stiffeners, consisting of lengths
    of steel welding rod embedded in epoxy in the underside webbing. I
    oriented them specifically to resist the twisting force, and it's held
    it's shape for several years now.

    BTW: My 94 has had no major problems yet (190K).
    I may keep it for another 10 years. (Or until I can afford a new
    Audi S4 Avant)

    To reply, please remove one letter from each side of "@"
    Spammers are VERMIN. Please kill them all.
    Doug Warner, Feb 16, 2004
  12. Henry

    Aleric Guest

    "LaoFuZhi" <the.real.address
    thing.not.too.hard.to.work.out> wrote in message
    Sounds like you're ready for a BMW!


    '95 Volvo 944t
    '92 BMW 325iC
    Aleric, Feb 17, 2004
  13. To me comparing the 850 to 740's and 940's seems to be apples and oranges. It is not really fair for a front wheel drive car to be compared to a rear wheel drive when performance is the primary issue. The handling aspects are totally different and a person that is used to rear wheel drive performance will not be comfortable with how the front wheel drive corners. I admit that my 740 runs out of steam over 120 when compared to my girlfiend's 944 but below speed that all she can see is my taillights. :)

    Chris V
    electricsheep, Feb 17, 2004
  14. [] (Tue, 17 Feb 2004 02:35:46 GMT):
    don't drive in the middle of the road then :D
    Svein Tore Sølvik, Feb 17, 2004
  15. Henry

    LaoFuZhi Guest

    <GG> Aye well......

    I liked my old 320i.... But I suspect I'll have another one of those motors
    with the gunsight on the bonnet.... <g>
    LaoFuZhi, Feb 17, 2004
  16. Henry

    v56k Guest

    The handling aspects
    This is normally true however in the case of the 850 versus the 700/900 the
    850 has far superior handling and a much better suspension setup for fast
    driving and cornering - this is a fact that is born out in virtually any
    road test you care to mention often cited as the 850 being the first good
    "performance handling" car Volvo had produced.
    v56k, Feb 23, 2004
  17. Henry

    Karl Guest

    For me its strange to read like this ...
    I have 850, 95, ~ 250 000 km and think its worth every Euro I paid for it.
    Just yesterday drove by 200 km/h, sitting on the road like glued .. grip is
    very good also with winter tires

    thermostat .. I havent change any, but the engine goes warm in 10 min
    in -20C (we have such winter here)

    of course there are wearing parts .. have to change regular, but its like
    this with every car.
    maintenance and repair - I have invested approx. $1500 in every last years
    and thats all, just drive. If you want I can post the list of
    changed/repaired parts.
    (of course our prices here are little bit cheaper than in US)
    Karl, Feb 23, 2004
  18. Henry

    Per Hauge Guest

    Where are you located?
    If prices on parts are are bit cheaper than in hte US, I would like to know
    where in Europe that is.
    Here in Denmark where I live nothing is cheap when it comes to cars.

    Per Hauge
    Per Hauge, Feb 23, 2004
  19. Henry

    Patrik Guest

    < Sounds like you're ready for a BMW!
    < Aleric
    < '95 Volvo 944t
    < '92 BMW 325iC
    What the #%¤/#&#¤%

    BMW and Mazda!?

    I'd put any rattling 850T with a broken AC before those cars! And if
    you dont agree, you dont get it. And if you dont get it, you just dont
    belong in this group.

    Nuff of this BMW and Mazda talk.

    And btw Gus, do you whanna do a full frontal in 70kph with your Miata
    against my S70? Then we'll se which of the two cars that is "built
    like a rock"...

    Patrik, Feb 23, 2004
  20. Henry

    Karl Guest

    .... in Estonia

    for example
    timing belt - $78
    brake pads - $47
    brake saddle - $125

    local Volvo dealer prices
    Karl, Feb 25, 2004
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