850 NA vs Turbo

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by blurp, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. blurp

    blurp Guest

    Hi all,

    I'm looking at making a change from my 1995 850 GLT to a 1996 850
    Turbo. I looked at the Turbo car today and had a peek under the hood
    and noticed the engine (from what I could see) appeared to be the same
    as what I have in my GLT but with a turbo bolted onto the back.

    Is there an actual engine difference? I also noticed the 1996 doesn't
    have the OBD interface under the hood the way my 1995 does... can this
    be retrofit or transferred from a 1995 or will I need a whole new
    wiring harness?

    Thanks in advance,
    blurp, Nov 13, 2008
  2. blurp

    James Sweet Guest

    The engine is very similar, but there are critical differences. Lower
    compression ratio in the turbo engine, fittings drilled in the block for
    oil feed and drain, different computer, different injectors, plumbing,
    other small changes.

    Can't help you with the OBD, never messed with it. Where is the
    interface on the '96? I thought all cars that new had to have one?
    James Sweet, Nov 13, 2008
  3. The OBD interface on the later 850s is under the coin holder on the
    central console.

    Chuck Fiedler
    Nothing but Volvo since 1974
    Chuck Fiedler, Nov 14, 2008
  4. blurp

    blurp Guest

    Thanks guys. Yes, like the '95, the '96 Turbo has the OBD jack under
    the coin holder in front of the shifter. BUT the 1995 has a "self
    diagnostic system" under the hood mounted on the left side that allows
    you to connect a jumper, press a button, and read the codes off
    WITHOUT an OBD device (just count the number of times the little red
    light flashes).

    It is THAT which is mising in the '96 and which I would be keen to add
    if it's just a matter of getting the part and plugging it in. Again,
    if it's crazy wiring harness work then fugeddaboudit. I could see the
    mount for the unit is there but the unit itself is not installed.

    blurp, Nov 17, 2008
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