850 SE or T5 ?

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Small Mammal, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Small Mammal

    Small Mammal Guest

    Hi all,

    What's the most economical 850 out there, the T5 or SE ?

    Small Mammal, Jul 29, 2004
  2. Small Mammal

    Clive Guest

    If you can afford one a TDi - diesel!

    In the real world, my 2.5l 10v SE (1994) does ~26mpg around town on the
    school run and ~30-32mpg at ~85 mph on the motorway.

    One note of caution, of all the engine variants, only the 2.5 10v came with
    an odd exhaust, where the flexible joint is part of the manifold down pipe.
    So if the flexible joint fails, you have to replace the whole pipe and that
    *is* expensive...I think you can guess how I know this :-/
    Clive, Jul 29, 2004
  3. The turbos can be more economical than non turbos.
    We have contacted two club economy runs and the high power cars always do
    very well.
    The problem is that once you own a turbo do you drive for economy?
    My S70R returns an overall average of 9.2 litres per 100 kilometres which
    equals 30mpg.
    On highway it will return an average of 7.6 litres = 37mpg (not bad from a
    vehicles with 300hp).
    Again I do not drive for economy.


    Heino Nowatzky
    Melbourne Australia
    HEINO NOWATZKY, Jul 31, 2004
  4. Small Mammal

    James Sweet Guest

    The SE for sure, but given the choice I'd go with the T5, a lot more fun is
    worth a little lower economy IMO.
    James Sweet, Jul 31, 2004
  5. Small Mammal

    AB Guest

    37mpg!!! That is astonishing! I have a S70 T5 and it will return 35mpg only
    if i drive it like a geriatric with an egg under his foot and keep my speed
    below 100kph!

    On average though my T5 will do around 30-33 mpg mixed running but you
    really have to be gentle to get the higherend figures. In winter expect the
    economy to get worse (cold air is denser so more fuel required) - mine drops
    to 26-29 mpg in mid winter.....

    AB, Aug 3, 2004
  6. What tyres and tyre pressures are you running?

    Hamish Alker-Jones, Aug 4, 2004
  7. Small Mammal

    AB Guest

    I'm running Pirelli PZero 205/50 ZR 16s....at around 35-36 psi....


    'Its hard to soar like an eagle in the morning when you've been hooting with
    owls all night....'
    AB, Aug 5, 2004
  8. Small Mammal

    ivan Guest

    Is it possible the two of you are comparing different size gallons (US
    vs Imperial)?

    ivan, Aug 6, 2004
  9. Small Mammal

    AB Guest

    Mine are imperial gallons (which if memory serves are the larger ones.....)

    AB, Aug 7, 2004
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