850 stalling - ongoing problem 3 months

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by DonH, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. DonH

    DonH Guest

    '94 850 sedan non-turbo, 205K miles:

    Had intermittent stalling, random, sometimes at startup, sometimes
    after engine hot. Seemed worse on hot days, or in heavy hot highway
    stop+go traffic. Worse also when a/c has been running, seemingly. Up to
    now would restart after sitting off for 5 min.

    My trusty mechanic has, in the following order: replaced fuel filter,
    fuel pump, fuel switch relay, two fuel injectors that appeared clogged.
    We are both scratching our heads. I tried to loosen my gas cap per
    suggestion on this board, but today (mid-90s), on my way to work it
    just stalled, and even after sitting for an hour, would only turn over
    and over, almost, but never starting...

    Any suggestions?
    DonH, Jul 18, 2006
  2. Had intermittent stalling, random, sometimes at startup, sometimes
    I would look at the ignition, do you have spark?
    If not, the camshaft position sensor has been known to fail after some time,
    perhaps that could be the problem.

    Niels Bengaard, Jul 18, 2006
  3. REcheck the fuel pump relay, AND the ECU main relay for dry joints- both are

    Next time it will not re start, first use freeeze spray on the crank angle
    sensor, then try to start, if no, use freeze spray on the ignition

    Check the earth on the igntion amp.

    Tim \(remove obvious\), Jul 19, 2006
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