850 TDI - idle revs

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Drnya, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. Drnya

    Drnya Guest

    I have an 1996 855 TDI with 250000kms. Started a month ago - when idle,
    revs go up & down a bit (I'd say less than 50 revs). It happens only
    when the engine gains working temperature (after driving for about
    25kms). And it doesn't happen every time (?). And few days ago, the
    lambda sond light went on for the first time (which on TDI indicates
    some problem with electronics, since TDI doesn't have lambdas), but it
    didn't happen again. Didn't notice any other problem - car goes well...

    Please, tell me what can I expect it to be? And what price range?
    Unfortunately, I don't trust any of my 3 local Volvo specialists :-(

    Any clues?

    Thnx very much.
    Drnya, Mar 9, 2005
  2. Drnya

    Mike F Guest

    I can't really help you except to say that if the Lambda light came on,
    then the computer should have a code stored. Get that code read and
    it'll point you in the right direction.

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Mar 9, 2005
  3. Drnya

    1F Guest

    Maybe Audi specialist? :)
    1F, Mar 9, 2005
  4. You might have a leak either in the diesel filter connections/fuel hose or
    in the vacuum regulation

    The lambda sond going on/off can be from a lot of things - I had the same
    problem with my 850 TDI but it
    disappeared when I cleaned the cable connectors to the airmass unit and to
    the EGR valve vacuum control unit.

    Best regards Per
    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Mar 9, 2005
  5. I didn't know diesels had lambda. What does it do?

    Michael Pardee, Mar 9, 2005
  6. Drnya

    Drnya Guest

    No - no it doesn't... The warning light on 850 TDI has the same lambda
    symbol as a gasoline version, but it only warns about some (could be
    many things) electronic failure - problem... I said that already - just
    look at the beginning of the post... I learned that from my owners
    manual :)

    Drnya, Mar 10, 2005
  7. Drnya

    Drnya Guest

    Well I don't trust any specialists in my city :)
    Just being paranoid, and don't want to get ripped off :)

    Besides that, I am not sure if the Audi workshops can check "their own"
    engine in 850 TDI. Anyone knows that?

    BTW, I am planning to make an OBD2 kit with some help from my friend...
    Then I should trust it :)
    Drnya, Mar 10, 2005
  8. Drnya

    Drnya Guest

    I hope it is something like that :) It is certainly on the cheap side
    :) I'll doublecheck everything.
    Thnk you very much - you've been pretty helful! Can you by any chance
    point me to some links on the web where I can find information (and
    possibly images) about those things? Where they are in the car and so on?

    Hmmm - I'll try the next one :)

    What is the sparkplug lookalike thing situated on the far right (looking
    from front) side under the hood between the battery and the fusebox? It
    has 3 plastic (one yellow, two white) small diameter hoses coming out
    of it?

    After one service, I had similar problems cause they didn't put one
    white hose back where it belongs to (air intake I think)... When I have
    put it back everything was OK after just a few minutes...

    Sorry for the long post :) and thnx for the tips!!!

    Drnya, Mar 10, 2005
  9. Ouch - my mistake. I'll try to read better!

    Michael Pardee, Mar 10, 2005
  10. Drnya

    Mike F Guest

    On Volvos (and most Asian and European cars), only your country gets the
    "check engine" light. The rest of the world has adopted the lambda
    symbol. Some cars (primarily American nameplates) in Canada have "check
    engine" lights, Volvos did when the lights first came out.

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Mar 10, 2005
  11. Check lamp on/off for lambda sond:
    Look for cracked hoses and if hoses has becomed hard and untight. The thing
    describe could be the EGR valve vaccuum regulator. Has the EGR valve
    ever been cleaned? The plug is placed under the unit.

    I had the same problem once with the white hose missing in the air intake
    after service also
    the plug to the EGR regulator was not connected.
    If you find a leak remember to disconnect the negative battery pole for 30
    min. to restore the ECU
    values - it might be running with some default values.

    Best regards Per
    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Mar 10, 2005
  12. Drnya

    Drnya Guest

    No. If you have time, could you please give me very short instructions
    on how to clean it? Is it safe to mess with it, or maybe very sensitive?
    Should I use air to clean it? Or some liquid?

    Are there any links on the web? I found some on changing belts, struts
    etc. But nothing like this...
    Didn't notice any leaks so far... I will inspect it more when the
    weather turns warm :) It has been the coldest winter for 40 yrs here.
    Very cold mornings... Down to -25C...

    BTW, what is the minimum temperature that you have started your 850 TDI?
    And how many kms did you do with your car... How many kms can I expect
    from that engine if I take care of it (of course)? I bought the car 2
    yrs ago with 180000kms. Now I have 220000kms...
    Thnx very much again and sorry for so many questions.
    I wouldn't mind very short answers :)

    It is easy to find info on 850 gasoline models, but not on TDI :-(
    Drnya, Mar 11, 2005
  13. See my answers below...

    ....You can search for illustrations on the internet - does not have to be
    Use eq. carburator fluid to clean it - should be pretty easy.
    ....Information on the 850 TDI is very limited I use Volvo Vadis software you
    can find
    it on ebay. I can also recommend the VOL-FCR software for testing, is cheap
    as well,
    you can buy an ODB2 cable to connect on ebay as well.
    ......anyhow try to disconnect the battery to reset the ECU.
    ...... minus 25 degrees celcius but with winter diesel - suggest that you add
    20% petrol
    to your diesel when tanking.

    And how many kms did you do with your car... How many kms can I expect
    ......Remember to change to timing belts - there are two - and the water pump
    220000 kms!!!! The water pump is important since it driven by the front
    timing belt,
    if the axle breaks the engine is gone because the pistons will hit the
    .....Mine has 228000 kms - expect that the engine can do more than tkm 500 -
    cold never go beyond 2000 rpms. I use 0-w40 oil, Castrol Racing.
    ......If you still have problems and you have a Bosch Diesel Service where
    you live let them
    look at the problem. I use a Bosch Garage for diesel pump adjustments etc.
    Audi garage is
    ok too but they normally wont work with a volvo even though the mechanical
    engine is
    Audi 2.5 TDI AEL type because the ECU on the volvo is from Bosch where audi
    uses Digifant.
    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Mar 11, 2005
  14. Drnya

    Drnya Guest

    Thnx a lot Per!

    / I have cut out the repeating bits... /
    After your EGR tips, I have found some great repair infos at:


    Will get some of that stuff for sure!
    I've been using Castrol anti-gel (injector cleaning) diesel additive
    that holds down to -26C. Do you think it is better to add petrol instead?

    Very odd - I searched the web and I cannot find any info on that Castrol
    additive I am using??? I've been using it for yrs in my old 240 D6
    before... Never had any problems, though...
    Changed all that even before 220tkm - just to be sure :)
    Yes - I am very causious with that! I extremely rarely touch 2500 rpms,
    before the engine warms up. I use Total 10-w40, and change it after
    8000kms (and oil filter every time). The engine doesn't waste a drop of
    it :)

    Thnx again Per!
    Drnya, Mar 14, 2005
  15. I only suggested petrol/diesel mix because it is cheaper than additives! I
    use additives from
    time to time as well when my engine start to smoke a litlle when driving to
    much in town traffic.
    This engine type needs to be driven hard - above rpms 3500 - once in a
    while to stay clean inside.

    Regarding the oil Volvo generally changed the recommended viscosity from
    10w-40 to 5w-40
    in a service bulletin. Do not know Total make sure this oil conforms to the
    VW NORM 505 00
    if not, do not use it. My engine is tight as well using 0w-40.

    Best regards Per
    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Mar 14, 2005
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