850tdi - OBD2 confusion

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Drnya, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. Drnya

    Drnya Guest

    I wanted to buy OBD2 kit for my 11/1996 850tdi imported second hand from
    Germany, to be able to read error codes, reset them etc...

    I was very happy to see 16-pin connector under the OBD2 marked coin
    holder in front of the gear stick. Looked a little on the web, and
    everything seemed clear.

    BUT, while browsing and deciding which tool I will buy - things got more
    and more confusing. So, now it seems that my car is not OBD2-ISO
    compliant and things are not that easy.

    I remember that somebody here has experience with 850tdi model. Please,
    help me with the following stuff...

    1) is my 11/1996 850tdi OBD2 compliant?
    2) which cable & interface & software combo can I use for sure?
    - ElmScan ISO 9141/14230 ( http://www.scantool.net )
    - Vol-FCR ( http://www.onboarddiagnostics.co.uk/volfcr/index.html )
    - Volvo VADIS
    3) what cables & hardware do I need to use Volvo VADIS?
    4) which pins on my car's OBD2 connector should be wired?
    5) is it possible to read & clear EGR, Air Mass Sensor errors?
    6) any other hints on 850tdi - OBD2 stuff greatly appreciated...

    Thnx a lot.
    Drnya, Jun 8, 2005
  2. Drnya

    Bonnet Lock Guest

    In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
    One more question . . .

    Is it the same for a 1997-9 V70 TDi? [Same engine, almost same body, ODB2
    connector inside storage box under centre armrest]
    Bonnet Lock, Jun 8, 2005
  3. Hi,

    Look at my answers to each question line.

    Best regards Per
    Ans: No, the engine use Bosch MSA 15.7 ECU which has no OBD2 command
    Ans: Don't look into that solution - it is for a Volvo garage
    Ans: You can buy assembled cable together with VOL-FCR or find
    one that can assemble yourself on e.q. ebay
    Ans: Yes and much more.....
    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Jun 11, 2005
  4. Ans: The ECU must be Bosch MSA 15.8 to support OBD2.....
    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Jun 11, 2005
  5. Drnya

    Bonnet Lock Guest

    In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
    I believe that mine is 15.8

    This being the case, where can I get a definitive list which explains what
    all the codes mean - in case I ever buy an ODB2 interface?
    Bonnet Lock, Jun 11, 2005
  6. Try www.odb-codes.com.
    I do not have specific for Volvo.

    Best regards

    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Jun 11, 2005
  7. Drnya

    Bonnet Lock Guest

    In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
    Thanks - but the link doesn't seem to work. Are you sure it's correct?
    Bonnet Lock, Jun 11, 2005
  8. Drnya

    OBD Guest

    850 Tdi and SV70 Tdi using MSA15.7 are not OBDII compliant.

    Vol-FCR will work but reads fault codes only, but it will do every other
    system in your car as well. (Works with cheap 9 pin serial leads for
    VAG-COM, search the net for these, you must have a PC with a 9 pin serial

    VAG-COM will work on engine (diesel pump) only, the engine is an Audi unit,
    try the shareware version.

    Hope this helps.
    OBD, Jun 12, 2005
  9. Drnya

    Bonnet Lock Guest

    In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
    I have a 2000MY V70 TDI MSA15.8

    Can you please advise me what hardware and software I would need to
    interrogate the OBD2 socket on my car - and where to find information about
    the codes, so as to be able to understand what it's telling me.
    Bonnet Lock, Jun 12, 2005
  10. Can you explain how to set up VAG-COM for the
    diesel pump and a 850 TDI?

    I have tried but without succes. It seems that VAG-COM
    does not recognise the ECU in the Volvo and Audi uses
    Digifant ECU.

    Thanks Per
    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Jun 12, 2005
  11. Drnya

    OBD Guest

    As far as I know the only why to communicate with MSA 15.8 is using the
    dealer Vadis cart.
    OBD, Jun 12, 2005
  12. Drnya

    OBD Guest

    From memory the diesel pump is accessed via address 41 in VAG-COM.
    OBD, Jun 12, 2005
  13. Just tried it and got the following message:

    Controller uses unknown protocol.
    Error code: D3B0

    Do you know about any work arounds?

    The interface test is ok!

    Thanks Per

    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Jun 12, 2005
  14. Try www.obd-codes.com.
    L David Matheny, Jun 13, 2005
  15. Drnya

    Drnya Guest

    THNX very much for all the answers.

    If anyone is interested - here is the wiring of my 11/1996 850tdi non
    OBD2 compliant, but OBD2 marked connector - the following pins are wired:


    BTW, all my search for the OBD2 kit began, cause last week I have
    experienced loss of power and overall low performance, and the check
    engine light lit up. Car goes well but acceleration is slow. Fuel
    consumption is the same, no engine oil consumption, no coolant missing
    etc. Drove about 800 kms since...

    The only additional thing is some blue smoke after the cold start in the
    morning. Blue smoke stops after few kms.

    I have cleaned and checked the EGR valve. It was only a little dirty. I
    have also checked various hoses for leaks (maybe not all???). Also
    checked the electr. connectors, and inspected the resistance and supply
    voltage to electromagnetic pressure converter as described in the PDF below.

    FYI - the EGR valve and EPW from the PDF are the same. Check the PDF it
    may be useful to you :)


    The only thing left to suspect is the Air Mass Sensor. Well, I hope it
    is not the case. I do hope that I may be missing some punctured hose /
    tube or bad wires?

    Please does anyone have any ideas?

    I have booked the repair shop on thursday morning, and I am afraid :)

    Drnya, Jun 13, 2005
  16. Drnya

    Bonnet Lock Guest

    In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
    Ah, that's better - thanks! [I didn't notice that the previous one was
    Bonnet Lock, Jun 13, 2005
  17. Drnya

    OBD Guest

    Try the other engine ECU addresses:

    11, 21 & 31.
    OBD, Jun 14, 2005
  18. Thanks for the advice - but it did not solve the problem.

    I still have no connection to the ECU.....

    Do you really think it should work?

    Best regards
    Per Groth Ludvigsen, Jun 15, 2005
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