Hi! I wanted to buy OBD2 kit for my 11/1996 850tdi imported second hand from Germany, to be able to read error codes, reset them etc... I was very happy to see 16-pin connector under the OBD2 marked coin holder in front of the gear stick. Looked a little on the web, and everything seemed clear. BUT, while browsing and deciding which tool I will buy - things got more and more confusing. So, now it seems that my car is not OBD2-ISO compliant and things are not that easy. I remember that somebody here has experience with 850tdi model. Please, help me with the following stuff... 1) is my 11/1996 850tdi OBD2 compliant? 2) which cable & interface & software combo can I use for sure? - ElmScan ISO 9141/14230 ( [URL]http://www.scantool.net[/URL] ) - Vol-FCR ( [URL]http://www.onboarddiagnostics.co.uk/volfcr/index.html[/URL] ) - Volvo VADIS 3) what cables & hardware do I need to use Volvo VADIS? 4) which pins on my car's OBD2 connector should be wired? 5) is it possible to read & clear EGR, Air Mass Sensor errors? 6) any other hints on 850tdi - OBD2 stuff greatly appreciated... Thnx a lot.