Hello, i'm new to the boards. I own a 1986 volvo 240 DL sedan with th aw70 automatic transmission. About two years ago I had a complete o overhaul of the transmission. Since then I have had no problems, wit one exception. Sometime between 3 and 4 months after the overhaul, noticed that the overdrive was no longer working. It took severa months to realize because I do mostly city driving, and at the time was new to volvos and unaware of what the arrow on the dash indicated. Now I have changed jobs, which requires me to do some fairly regula expressway driving and I am interested in repairing this issue. I too the car to my transmission shop and after a couple of hours to m suprise they called to say that they were unable to locate th overdrive problem. Apparently from what I gather, they did check th overdrive solenoid and nearby wiring. They did say they repaired damaged wire emanating from the solenoid but that did not solve th problem. They did not mention whether they checked the overdriv relay so i'm assuming they did not. The symptoms are that th overdrive arrow light ALWAYS remains on. However, when I press the O button on the shifter lever, I hear a click and the OD arrow ligh becomes ever so slightly dimmer, but remains on. If i press the butto again, it clicks and the light returns to its brighter state. Als occasionally I hear what sounds like a faint buzzing noise eminatin from the dashboard (usually after I start the car, but sometimes i just starts on its own) When I press the OD button, the noise stops. The overdrive does not ever engage no matter how many times I press th button or what the speed, driving time or weather is like. Any thought or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance