89 240 GL....starting problems

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by Jimbo, Sep 18, 2004.

  1. Jimbo

    Jimbo Guest

    We don't drive this car very much and so sometimes it sits unused for a
    week. After it has sat unused for about 3-4 days, it often will not start.
    There is plenty of cranking power....you crank and crank, but there is no
    "fire". Its' just like the spark plugs are dead. Haven't done any tests yet
    to see if they are actually not firing. However when I come back to it
    later, and jump-start the car (since the battery has been run down from so
    much cranking), it will start up. Subsequent restarts are then fine, starts
    usually on the first crank. What is likely wrong with it?
    Jimbo, Sep 18, 2004
  2. Jimbo

    KHanawalt Guest

    I have a similar problem on an '81 240. If you have a tachometer, does the
    needle move at all during cranking? If so, you have spark. If not, no spark
    could be the problem. It could be the sensor in the distributor, the wiring,
    or the ignition module.

    If you don't have a tachometer, can you hear the fuel pumps running while you
    try and start it? If so, you do have spark. If not, either the fuel pump
    relay could be bad or there could be no spark. There is a method of shorting a
    couple of fuses together (Do a search at www.brickboard.com) to run the pumps
    whether there's spark or not, and if you have spark it should start then. If
    it still won't start, it's likely an ignition problem.

    My solution is to replace the Volvo ignition system with an aftermarket one I
    bought on ebay, since the Volvo parts are fairly expensive, and I can install
    it myself.

    Good luck!

    Horsepower is cheaper than therapy.
    KHanawalt, Sep 18, 2004
  3. Jimbo

    Nick Zervas Guest

    You might try tracing the wires to the temperature sensor and make sure they are
    intact. You could also try testing the temperature sensor to make sure that it is
    changing value properly with regard to temperature. It sounds like the fuel injection
    is not enriching the fuel/air mixture enough when cold. That's my best guess. HTH.

    Nick Zervas, Sep 18, 2004
  4. Jimbo

    Bill Stehlin Guest

    Having experienced similar problem too many times over past 20 years
    driving 240s, I would first look at fuel pump relay. Unplug it, clean
    contacts, jimmy it, borrow a friend's and plug it in. Also, clean
    all fuse contacts.
    Bill Stehlin, Sep 19, 2004
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