89' 760 Turbo - Tranny problem

Discussion in 'Volvo 760' started by Norbert, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. Norbert

    Norbert Guest

    Problem started about a month ago, here are the symptoms:

    - from a dead stop tranny won't engage up through the gears until about
    4000-4500rpm (I have to manually go off the gas pedal momentarily to engage
    the tranny to a higher gear to prevent the rpm's going so high).
    - between 55-65km/h and 95-105km/h while cruising, anytime the tach goes
    above 2500rpm the tranny drops to a lower gear until pass the 65 or 105km/h
    then goes back up to the appropriate gear (I would have to speed up just so
    I get above the two speeds just so I'm cruising at a reasonable rpm).

    Note: No leaks. Tranny fluid has been checked with a warm engine while
    idling on level ground.

    Any suggestions on a fix would be greatly appreciated.

    Norbert, Dec 14, 2004
  2. Norbert

    Guest Guest

    Kickdown cable broken / come unhooked in the wide throttle / kickdown

    Guest, Dec 14, 2004
  3. As Tim says, the kickdown cable. Several people have had problems with the
    cable sticking. If you look at the throttle body with the engine off and see
    one of the cables on that aluminum spool slack, you've found the culprit.
    Graphite (I like Lock-Ease) and a little fiddling should straighten it out.

    Michael Pardee, Dec 14, 2004
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