95 850 GLT

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Mike, Aug 9, 2003.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Looking to buy one with 104K for $5200 in good shape. Anything I should
    look for? This would be my first Volvo. Is this a problem year? Model?
    Engine? Tranny?

    Thanks for your help!
    Mike, Aug 9, 2003
  2. We have a '96 GLT that is still in great shape. '95-'97 are the best
    years, and there are no serious universal weak spots. Just make sure all
    the maintenance is up to date. The only "major" issues (e.g. $$$ to fix)
    unique to these Volvos (apart from any other 8 y.o. car with 100k+
    miles) are things like the AC evaporator not working (it should blow
    _cold_ at the low temps), timing belt changed on time (if it goes it
    takes your whole engine with it), brake rotors aren't warped (not cheap
    to replace if you can't DIY). There may be a few others, but I don't
    recall, since they are just not that common. Mostly things that would be
    worth checking on any car of similar vintage.

    Search this newsgroup archives for similar posts, but in general you
    will find this is a good model car that is holding up well, and I think
    the price is good if it has been well maintained.
    Phil Lefebvre, Aug 12, 2003
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