96 940 ODB2 equipment

Discussion in 'Volvo 940' started by Tony, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. Tony

    Tony Guest

    I have a 96 UK 940 Turbo and was considering buying a ODB2 interface and
    software for laptop since it has the socket and the Volvoclub website
    confirms it has ODB2.

    The car currently has a fault whereby it stalls after acceleration
    (seems to be not actuating the idle valve) if you put the clutch in,
    although there is no check-engine light (I can't see one on the dash).
    If you hold the accelerator above tickover for a few seconds or
    decelerate slowly while in gear it is then ok and will tick over as normal.

    Google shows Vital-Engineering has a bluetooth/RS232 unit and available
    by Euro Car Parts, but I heard bad reports about it, but nothing
    specific as yet. The web site only says 'from £84' and advertises
    online ordering but requires email.

    The only other PC unit I have seen is the ELMScanmaster 5 Package, but
    costs £200 and doesn't say what it does clearly so I can't compare

    Anyone any suggestions good experiences with ODB2 stuff on the 940?
    Tony, Nov 24, 2006
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