97 850 battery drain figures - measured

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by bullshark, Sep 24, 2003.

  1. bullshark

    bullshark Guest

    I got my problem squared away, and I got some measurements
    on battery load with the car off, in case anyone wants to know.

    Locking the car and activating the alarm - 8.7 amps (momentary)
    This figure might run to 10 amps or more if all the doors need
    locking. I didn't dare try, since 10+A will blow the $15 fuses
    in my DMM. It did include everything else though.

    computer + alarm monitor: 30/36 mA ( for the first minute )
    computer + alarm monitor: 24/30 mA ( steady/LED lit thereafter)

    The first set of figures suggest that after power up, the system
    is running self diagnostics, or checking/setting states on various
    sensors. After about one minute, it drops to the second set (24/30)

    The high figure is when the LED lights. If the car is already locked
    and the battery is disconnected, the alarm system draws about 47 mA
    for a second or two when reconnected(until it powers up). You
    really need an ammeter in line to tell if things are OK. A test light
    will not do.


    bullshark, Sep 24, 2003
  2. bullshark

    marc9230 Guest

    What kind of a problem did you have? My 96 850 seems to be charging ok,
    but in about 4 days of no driving the battery is dead. I had the
    altranator tested and replaced the battery.
    marc9230, Jan 10, 2005
  3. bullshark

    Ron Guest

    My glove box door warped to the degree that the light was not going
    out. The door didn't look bad, and except in the very dark, could you
    tell that the light was on. Pull the bulb out and see what happens.

    Ron/Champ 6

    1963 8E5 Champ (Champ 6)
    1962 Lark Daytona Convertible (Boomerang)
    1995 VW Passat (Vanilla..yuk)
    1994 Volvo 850 (Tilley)
    1973 Volvo 1800 ES (An Clar)
    Ron, Jan 10, 2005
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