A story of one death.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nadia, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. Nadia

    Nadia Guest

    I live in a small Ukrainian town. My husband-Armenian had leaved me
    when I already was pregnant. I am a yard man. My salary is about $50
    per month. My daughter grew up as a very nice girl in spite of our
    destitution. When she was sixteen my daughter went on the lake near
    the town to be resting together with two girls of the same age.
    Suddenly one young man began to demand to form a sexual association
    with my daughter. She refused his request. The young man had beated my
    daughters head with a stone and killed her. At the same time a killers
    friend threatened two other young girls with a pistol. After that
    these killers lay down my daughter into a boat and drowned she in the
    middle of the lake. Both a diver which took up my daughter and a
    correspondent of one television canal were sure that there was a
    murder here, but the message on TV set canal was my daughter had
    drowned. In a morgue my daughter had been painted to hide signs of the
    murder. Police qualified this murder as an accident. The cause of such
    the incredible events was the killer is a son of high rank bureaucrat.
    Two young girls said me the details of the murder confidentially, but
    refused to confirm it openly. All the circumstances are well known in
    police, but they said me go away when I asked them to institute
    proceedings against the killer. I have no any sense in my life now,
    but I want to pay attention of people with the help of national
    newspapers. I saw by cinema that in some countries correspondents pay
    money per information. There is an opposite situation here. I must pay
    some thousands dollars to a newspaper to publish my story. Help me
    please with any money. My number in the E-Gold web payment system:
    Nadia, Jun 10, 2004
  2. Nadia

    John in NH Guest

    My number in the E-Gold web payment system:
    I'll get right on that.
    Better to have and not need than need and not have.

    My eBay Stuff:
    John in NH, Jun 10, 2004
  3. Nadia

    GC Guest

    I would suggest a nice '93 240 Classic or '95 940. Get the leather seats
    GC, Jun 10, 2004
  4. Nadia

    Alan Guest

    Subaru doesn't make a convertible.
    Alan, Jun 10, 2004
  5. Nadia

    JW Guest

    No, but California tops sure does! I owned a 1990 Loyale Turbo
    convertible for awhile till someone offered me twice the money I had into
    it. I also looked seriously at the Texas stretch company to make me a
    1985 limousine out of my 85 wagon plus the rear of an 85 sedan I had. If
    they can stretch something as stupid as a Humvee I thought they could do
    something with a real car!
    JW, Jun 10, 2004
  6. Nadia

    Sonny Guest

    Please Stop cross-posting.........

    Sonny, Jun 10, 2004
  7. Nadia

    oothlagre Guest

    No kidding? with the half-doors, they are a natural for a convertible. I was
    trying to picture my Impreza that way. What did it run you to do? It is
    almost worth a vacation down there to have it done.

    oothlagre, Jun 10, 2004
  8. Nadia

    Graefaxe Guest

    Oh, the irony.
    Graefaxe, Jun 10, 2004
  9. Nadia

    Sonny Guest

    You have a point, albeit completely unsolicited, thoroughly unwarranted and
    totally unwanted. Opine this.........

    Sonny, Jun 10, 2004
  10. Nadia

    Graefaxe Guest

    Wrong. You cross-posted asking others not to cross-post. Ironic and
    totally warrented.
    Again, so. This is Usenet (another name for free-for-all). If you don't
    want comments regaring your post, don't post.
    Get over your self. Breathe. Imagine that the world is not out to get
    you. And then we'll strike.
    Graefaxe, Jun 10, 2004
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