Abandoned Volvo: This week's episode

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Gomer Einstein, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. I sent the registered letter to the name & address on the
    registration, recieved the card back aprox a week later (indicating it
    was delivered).
    The signature, natch, was illegible, and didn't appear to be the same
    name as who I addressed it to, presumably another family member living
    in the household.
    According to my postmaster here, the postman isn't going to let just
    anyone sign unless that person is known by him to somehow belong there
    (instead of, like, a burglar in the house).
    So anyway, they recieved the letter a week ago as I write this and
    I've not heard anything back, and they've had ample time to contact me.
    So far it seems to have been a big waste of time.
    I never said where the car was.
    Gomer Einstein, Jun 24, 2005
  2. Probably should have simply expressed interest in buying the car
    instead of offering them a lowball price, that way she might have at
    least responded. I still say she's probably dead.
    James Goforth, Jun 29, 2005
  3. Gomer Einstein

    James Sweet Guest

    Well if you got no response doesn't that open the door to claiming
    James Sweet, Jun 29, 2005
  4. Getting a response to the letter would have circumvented any
    involvement of the owners of the motel where the car sits; I'd now be
    dealing directly with the car's owner.
    Without the consent of the car's owner, it would be incumbent on the
    owners of the property where the car sits to get law enforcement
    involved to have it declared abandoned.
    So the next step is to see if they're willing to do that, which seems
    like almost every bit as much hassle as contacting the owner of the car.
    James Goforth, Jun 29, 2005
  5. Gomer Einstein

    James Sweet Guest

    Move the car somewhere else, perhaps just out of the parking lot onto public
    James Sweet, Jun 30, 2005
  6. I have not been following this saga so sorry if this has been
    mentioned, but have you considered the car might have a loan against it
    and you could get paid to reposses it, then buy it from the repo
    Apple Computer, Jun 30, 2005
  7. No, nobody has mentioned that.
    The bill of sale is in the car, dated 10-17-03 and she paid $1350 for
    the car then, but I suppose could have borrowed against it after that.
    The license plates expired in July of 2004, so I'd assume it's been
    sitting there before then.
    Which means she didn't even drive it for very long before abandoning
    So, yes, it could very well be that she just stopped paying for it if
    she was making payments. Good point.
    In order to determine if there's a loan, I'm assuming I'd just have to
    go to the DMV with a copy of the registration and ask them(?)
    James Goforth, Jun 30, 2005
  8. My father 'repossesed' an El Camino he fancied. The circumstances
    sound similar to yours, apparent abandoned vehicle. Basically he ended
    up just sending the bank several hundred dollars (car value minus repo
    charge) and the bank sent him the title. The bank had no idea where
    the car was and therefore was happy to get something/anything for it.
    Apple Computer, Jul 1, 2005
  9. Can you spend a little time researching what's involved for the motel owners
    to report it abandoned on their lot? If you approach them with everything
    well laid out in advance, and make it very easy for them, then that takes
    away their hassle factor.

    James, this has become a wild horse that you just have to mount, now don't

    Group, I think we have a short story on our hands. Who/how do we copyright

    I've driven Volvos more than 30 yrs now. I have more than a couple mildly
    entertaining stories related to Volvos. What's more, my wife's 1st hubby
    and their best friends also drove Volvos back in the '60s (444s, 544s). She
    spent a few days of her honeymoon in a Colorado junkyard while her hubby
    (#1) and she rebuilt his tranny en-route to their destination. Says there
    was a small community of other freedom-loving flower children in the same
    junkyard, mostly rebuilding their VW buses.

    Did I tell you the time...

    Ramblin' Pat

    '91 240
    '70 1800E
    and several others
    Pat Quadlander, Jul 3, 2005
  10. Gomer Einstein

    byrocat Guest

    Gomer, any more news on this front?

    Personally, I'd have dropped this long ago, so I admire the size of
    your cojones for pursuing it this far.

    For those of you who don't know Spanish but have seen Major League 2,
    substitute "MARBLES"
    byrocat, Jul 19, 2005
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