Advice on buying a Volvo

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by GTIce, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. GTIce

    GTIce Guest

    Would anyone recommend buying a second hand 850 wagon over the 940 ?

    Are they reliable ?


    GTIce, Feb 12, 2004
  2. GTIce

    Unknown Guest

    same question here I'm currently driving a 91 940 turbo and love it......but
    I'm in the market for either an 850 or v70 wagon......

    not sure if I want to get rid of the 940 or not though....great car...
    Unknown, Feb 12, 2004
  3. GTIce

    James Sweet Guest

    The 850's are good cars, but most people agree that the 940's are better in
    many respects. Personally I'd stick with the 940.
    James Sweet, Feb 13, 2004
  4. GTIce

    Nobody Guest

    "but most people agree that the 940's are better in
    many respects"

    That's quite a sweeping statement!!
    Nobody, Feb 13, 2004
  5. GTIce

    James Sweet Guest

    It's just my observation from reading the posts here, most people who have
    or have had both seem to like the 940's better, I've never personally owned
    either, just stating what I've noticed.

    If the 850 was a T-5 I'd rather have it, but for non-turbo I'd definitly
    take the 940, both are good cars though.
    James Sweet, Feb 13, 2004
  6. GTIce

    Sammy Guest

    The 940 will be easier and cheaper to service than 850.

    940 is RWD while 850 is FWD. Like comparing apples to oranges.

    Plus you didn't say if turbo on one or both?

    Personally, I prefer RWD plus easier maintenance of 940. They are two
    different cars. The choice is yours.
    Sammy, Feb 13, 2004
  7. GTIce

    Magnus Guest

    Buy the 940. Definitely!
    Magnus, Feb 13, 2004
  8. GTIce

    Greg Cearley Guest

    Buy the 940. Definitely. My 1994 945TG (Turbo Wagon) has ~145,000 miles on
    it and gives us no trouble. It starts every time, gets us where we want to
    go, then back again. It gets regular tune-ups and changes for timing belt,
    oil, coolant, transmission, and brakes. Garaged, it looks and drives like
    the day I drove it off the lot 10 years ago. I do not hesitate in taking it
    on long trips.

    My only complaint is that I didn't buy the radio with the CD built-in, and
    the new aftermarket units look ridiculous.

    Three friend's 850's, while "more modern" and sporty has given them many
    problems throughout approximately the same time period. Only one makes long
    trips, the others are "not trusted".

    As a result of our respective experiences I would buy another Volvo, they
    would not.

    Greg Cearley, Feb 13, 2004
  9. GTIce

    Mark Seeley Guest

    My dad's just moved from a 740 to an 850 - both excellent cars. The engine
    in the 850 is definitely that little bit smoother, and more def more
    economical than our 740 (B230E). If you go for an 850, allocate enough to
    replace the ABS unit, just in case (they tend to go), otherwise the 2.5L 10V
    engine seems to be yet another of Volvo's engine's that literally goes for

    Limited experience with the 9 series - they're a bit bigger... but awesome
    cars. Some 9 series engines are better - make sure it's one of the reliable
    models. Not sure which are better, but others know the details.

    Mark Seeley, Feb 13, 2004
  10. GTIce

    v56k Guest

    Have an 850 20v 2.5 Wagon (1996) and love it - 90k miles and no problems as
    v56k, Feb 13, 2004
  11. The most reliable years are:

    VOLVO 940 '94 & '95
    VOLVO 850 '96 & '97

    Drive both of them. I personally would never buy a used 940. Most
    people that keep an 940 keep it because they like to work on it. I like
    850s because I don't have to work on it. After test driving an 850 I
    could never see going back. The 850 has antilock brakes, 4 air bags,
    side impact protection, a strong history of engineering for durability,
    low injury rates and low death rates, good gas mileage, good handling,
    efficient use of space, good comfort, good accommodation to different
    people, and a design which gives the driver a feeling of safety,
    strength and confidence.
    Stephen M. Henning, Feb 13, 2004
  12. Not having experience with 940's but thought I would comment on the 850. My
    folks bought their first volvo in '87 and loved their 745 turbo. Deciding that
    it was time to get a newer car they went back to Volvo and bought a 850. My Dad
    has hated the car since the first weekend he drove it. He is very uncomfortable
    in the seats and hates the automatic. They have spent considerable time with
    the 850 in the shop and have decided to never buy another Volvo. I am still
    trying to convince them to give the Cross Country a chance but doubt he will
    consider the option. That said he still keeps trying to buy their old 745 back
    from me. No chance about that happening!
    Chris V
    electricsheep, Feb 13, 2004
  13. 940 wagon. It's basically a more modern version of the
    700/800 series with a lot of the quirks and gremlins worked
    Joseph Oberlander, Feb 13, 2004
  14. Back in the early 90's when they had all three on the dealers' lots,
    I sat in all of them. The 700 series was not in the same league as
    the 800/900. The 800 was mostly the suspension and higher HP engines,
    while the 900 series was a more luxuriuous 850 but made for the
    same segment as the 700 series. Best of both worlds, IMO.

    If you are getting one - go for a 1995-1997 960 or a 1998 V90(same car),
    as the extra power is great, especially since there is no turbo boost
    to deal with - you get linear power at city speeds, while the 850 tends
    to behave like a non-turbo model until you press the accelerator down
    more than about 1/2 the way, at which point it jumps to life. Really
    a blast at that point, especially with a manual transmission.

    Most people, thogh, would rather have a same power 6 and avoid the whole
    turbo issue entirely. Not as much fun, mind you, but for getting around
    town, as I suspect you are likely to want, given the "wagon" desire on
    your part, the 960 is hard to beat.
    Joseph Oberlander, Feb 13, 2004
  15. GTIce

    James Sweet Guest

    How do you figure? The 940 is at least as dependable as an 850 and a bit
    cheaper to have worked on even if you don't do it yourself.
    James Sweet, Feb 13, 2004
  16. GTIce

    Henry Guest

    On, someone wrote: (and I quote)

    "They have spent considerable time with
    the 850 in the shop and have decided to never buy another Volvo."

    Well it just goes to show, you never know. The '96 year model was the best for the 850. Other earlier years gave many the blues.


    MY '96 850 Turbo, with 123k miles on it, cradles me like a fetus in the womb of a mother. Of course, it has had every maintenance item done on time. The Space Shuttle Columbia was not any better serviced, yet there was the regrettable failure of the Columbia. Of course that was due to unforeseen circumstance. Nevertheless, that does serve to portray the incalculable well, in context.
    There are individual circumstances, and those, while true to life, are not indicative of the collective experience.
    I would recommend the '96 850 to anyone, providing the auto has been examined and judged by a person knowledgable, fit.

    I just got a K&N air filter for my '96 850... she runs like the wind. I was driving home today and had the misfortune of being behind one of those large tanker trucks... it was making 60mph on a 70mph stretch. I waited till the traffic cleared and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. The 850 exploded with acceleration... by the time I was passing the cab/front of the giant truck I was making 100mph. I had an open stretch ahead, and held the pedal to the floor. The speed climbed surely and softly to 110mph, 115mph, 120, 125, 130... I let off the gas as the trees were going by so fast they were blurring into a collage of green. The car was quiet and easy at those speeds.
    The car is going on 9 years old and runs smooth like a new car.
    I love the '96 850.

    If you know of a car as good, please recommend it.

    </KNOCK ON WOOD></SUPERSTITIOUS ON>On, someone wrote: (and
    I quote)

    "They have spent considerable time with
    the 850 in the shop and have decided to never buy another Volvo."

    Well it just goes to show, you never know. The '96 year model was the best for the 850. Other earlier years gave many the blues.


    MY '96 850 Turbo, with 123k miles on it, cradles me like a fetus in the womb of a mother. Of course, it has had every maintenance item done on time. The Space Shuttle Columbia was not any better serviced, yet there was the regrettable failure of the Columbia. Of course that was due to unforeseen circumstance. Nevertheless, that does serve to portray the incalculable well, in context.
    There are individual circumstances, and those, while true to life, are not indicative of the collective experience.
    I would recommend the '96 850 to anyone, providing the auto has been examined and judged by a person knowledgable, fit.

    I just got a K&N air filter for my '96 850... she runs like the wind. I was driving home today and had the misfortune of being behind one of those large tanker trucks... it was making 60mph on a 70mph stretch. I waited till the traffic cleared and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. The 850 exploded with acceleration... by the time I was passing the cab/front of the giant truck I was making 100mph. I had an open stretch ahead, and held the pedal to the floor. The speed climbed surely and softly to 110mph, 115mph, 120, 125, 130... I let off the gas as the trees were going by so fast they were blurring into a collage of green. The car was quiet and easy at those speeds.
    The car is going on 9 years old and runs smooth like a new car.
    I love the '96 850.

    If you know of a car as good, please recommend it.

    Henry, Feb 13, 2004
  17. Not a Volvo 6. They were the least reliable Volvos ever made. Volvo
    turbos are much more reliable and that is not saying much.
    Stephen M. Henning, Feb 13, 2004
  18. It is not how cheap it is to work on that is important, it is how often
    it has to be worked on. With 310,000 miles of experience with 850s and
    840,000 miles of experience with the RWD models, I will stick with the
    850s. They have proven much more reliable for me.
    Stephen M. Henning, Feb 13, 2004
  19. GTIce

    Rob Guenther Guest

    Wow this is basically why we got a 960 in 1993. No turbo to break down, lag,
    or affect linearity. No front wheel drive to happer the tow-car ability
    (this is the ONLY reason we didn't get the 1994 850 turbo wagon, as there
    were a couple things the 850 did better then the 960), and to add to
    possible complexity. And a big 6 cylinder engine to compensate for the 4/5
    cylinder turbo's added power.

    960 is the best one of the Volvo's if you want it all.
    Rob Guenther, Feb 13, 2004
  20. GTIce

    Rob Guenther Guest

    Are you thinking the PRV V6? Because our inline 6 has been completely
    trouble free, and it's of the oldest design.

    ie: its design can have the porous oil pans, it has the very low KM rating
    for the timing belt, it still have 201hp, 197 torque... engine was made in
    Nov 1992. No issues, just buttery smooth power.
    Rob Guenther, Feb 13, 2004
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