another opinion

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by GC, Sep 17, 2004.

  1. GC

    GC Guest

    Happy Trails
    What is the name of your state? Georgia

    In a parking lot, I was backing out at the same time as someone directly
    behind me, and we rear-ended each other. The damage is very, very minimal--a
    few scrapes on the rear bumper of each car--and neither of us want to get
    the police or insurance or anyone involved, as we're both college students
    and don't want our parents involved. We exchanged info and now the girl
    wants me to pay for her repairs, which I don't think I should have to do
    since it seems to me that we're both at fault. Can she make me pay?

    **The way you describe it, it doesn't sound fair. If she sued you in small
    claims court she would have to prove that you were at fault.
    GC, Sep 17, 2004
  2. GC

    GC Guest

    Senior moment - sorry for the odd and totally irrelevant post. No rationale
    nor excuse - just a total brain fart.

    GC, Sep 17, 2004
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