Anyone ever ordered from Swedish Volvo Parts?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by blurp, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. blurp

    blurp Guest

    Just wondering since I checked the site this afternoon to price some
    engine mounts and got back just ridiculously low prices. The
    dealership quoted me over $230CAD for the right-hand mount and this
    site has it for about nine bucks!


    I know the dealiership is a ripoff but this indicates to me that the
    webvendor Might not be aware that the Turbo takes a different engine
    mount than other 240s. The part appears to be new. I know there have
    been nasty things said about ScanTech bushings but a prce difference
    of $220 is huge!

    I don't want to get the wrong thing and I have to rely on the seller
    to give me the right thing since I don't know what it looks like.

    If you've had success with these guys please let me know so I can
    place an order.

    ps. other things arts compared on the site were about half the
    dealership price.
    blurp, Nov 9, 2004
  2. blurp

    Mike F Guest

    You really need to stop going to that dealer. Either they're
    incompetent, or they're trying to scare you away. Even the fanciest
    hydraulic mounts aren't $230!

    The right mount on the 240 Turbo is different from the normal 240 only
    in that it is more heat resistant. It is just a plain rubber mount, I
    would expect to pay from $10 (if you have a friend in the parts
    business) up to $40(at the dealer). Keep in mind that website is
    quoting you in $US.

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Nov 10, 2004
  3. blurp

    blurp Guest

    HAHAHA! That is plain insanity! I haven't had much to do with the
    dealer and I usually call them just to get a baseline price to compare
    against. While I have always known that the dealership was
    overcharging for parts this is beyond ridiculous! Now I need to call
    them back to double-check that the deskboy who was quoting me wasn't
    huffing solvents in the back room.

    It made some sense that the turbo mount would be a bit more pricey but
    this difference is simply astronomical. I was really thinking that the
    website had to be wrong because I couldn't imagine any organization
    being so brazen as to crank up margins thousands of times over on such
    a simple product.

    Maybe they thought I was calling from the Pentagon.

    blurp, Nov 10, 2004
  4. blurp

    blurp Guest

    Just for a laugh I called another dealer to get their price (they
    should all be the same, right?) and they quoted me a much more
    reasonable price: $92.17 each, only TEN TIMES MORE than the price

    In the off chance that the online dealers consider all 240 engine
    mounts to be the same, how significant is it really if they sell me
    the standard mount instead of the turbo? Will they dissolve in a week?

    blurp, Nov 10, 2004
  5. When I had to replace the blower motor in our 85 765T Volvo wanted $150 US
    for the blower, and noted I would have to do some metal work to make it fit!
    I got a blower for a Cavalier (IIRC) for something like $40 US and it fit
    perfectly. Hmm....

    Michael Pardee, Nov 10, 2004
  6. blurp

    PS Guest

    Swedishpartswholesale looks like another front for Wordlpac

    They're legit, they supply a lot of independent repair shops and there has
    been a proliferation of websites fronting their database; all the same

    PS, Nov 10, 2004
  7. blurp

    James Sweet Guest

    I bought one for less than $20 locally, it's a standard AC/Delco part,
    there's a fair number of GM components in a 700.
    James Sweet, Nov 11, 2004
  8. blurp

    Mike F Guest

    I can't imagine you'll ever have heat related problems with a non-turbo
    mount. Remember that this mount would be designed with the worse
    possible conditions in mind, conditions that we won't see in our

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Nov 11, 2004
  9. blurp

    Robert Dietz Guest

    The WP site doesn't offer the turbo right side mount. Only right and
    left mounts for non turbo and left for the turbo (same as non turbo).
    The shop price is still less than the nine bucks you quoted. Volvo
    published dealer list for 241111 lh mount, US$31.96; 241110 RH mount,

    Authorized Volvo dealers are not obligated to resell parts according to
    the published prices. The dealership agreement allows them to operate as
    independent entities, albeit licensed to use Volvo trademarks, logos
    etc. in their day to day business operations. The agreement does require
    that dealers use genuine Volvo parts in all warranty repairs, and brings
    subtle pressures on the parts department to stock only Volvo parts (with
    considerably slimmer margins) for general customer repairs.

    Robert Dietz, Nov 11, 2004
  10. blurp

    ///////// Guest

    I paid $15 plus ship for all of the mounts. The bushings may be of a bit
    lower quality, but who cares, for that cheap, Ill change them when they are
    done lasting 75% as long as a stock one...which shoud be awhile.

    oh, by the way, i just came across this list. how rude of me to butt in. I
    have an 1987 240 wagon and a 1984 240 diesel. the diesel is about to fall
    apart. anyway, hi!

    /////////, Nov 16, 2004
  11. blurp

    Rusty Guest

    Scan Tech are inferior parts, which are false economy. I had used a couple
    of Scan Tech bits that failed early, such as a rad hose, and I ended up
    going back to OEM. Factor in the labour/time to do the job twice, and I
    would have been better off using OEM in the first place. The parts place
    itself, I have no experience with. But I will never use Scan Tech again

    Rusty, Nov 16, 2004
  12. blurp

    blurp Guest

    Hi Erik

    You're not rude at all, the more the merrier!

    blurp, Nov 17, 2004
  13. blurp

    daniel Guest

    You should care as the vibrations to your car as it gets older will end
    up costing you more in the long run? Cheap bushings are not not worth
    the savings. They will make the ride rougher and will take its toll on
    another components, prior to the time another part should fail. But hey,
    it's your money, all I'm saying is spend it wisely. The car likely oews
    you nothing? Treat it well as it'll keep giving you reliable transportation.

    1987 240DL approaching 200,00klms in storage now
    1988 245 DL daily driver at 240,000 klms most reliable runner I have
    ever kept past four years.
    1991 Buick Park Avenue- now that's a piece of junk!!! But hey wife
    wanted a faster daily runner- window has leak that we can not seem to
    stop? hard starting now after cold start and short use it takes several
    tries of the starter to get engine to catch. Has new plugs, wires, 6
    pack coil, probably hard for an average Technician to diagnose, and will
    still charge for checking it out. Does anyone know a GM man who is the
    ultimate trouble shooter in The Greater Toronto Area (Canada)
    Wife does not want to drive the 87 DL anymore? Maybe I can get someone
    to knock some sense in to her LOL If it was only that easy, she has an
    immage with people at work and that buick seems to provide it, I guess.
    I could care less what people think of my 88 wagon, even has three
    different colours in the replaced body parts, LOL what a hoot.
    daniel, Nov 29, 2004
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