auto transmission leak 240DL

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by Rich, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. Rich

    Rich Guest

    We have '88 240DL with automatic transmission leak,
    on right side of car in-line with front door hinges,
    and dripping on exhaust system. We are hoping this
    is something relatively minor like cooling lines to
    the radiator. Preparing to take car to hospital :)
    Any ideas appreciated. TIA rich
    Rich, Nov 20, 2005
  2. Rich

    James Sweet Guest

    The cooling lines to the radiator are a good guess, I've seen them crack
    right where they bolt to the frame near the location you say it's
    leaking. Normally only shows up when the car is running and in gear so
    it can be tricky to locate when parked.
    James Sweet, Nov 20, 2005
  3. Rich

    User Guest

    There's a bracket/separator on the transmission/bell housing that hold
    the two lines separated and secure at the same time. However, over time
    the tubes vibrated in the bracket, abrade away and leak.

    User, Nov 22, 2005
  4. Rich

    Rich Guest

    That's just what it is. Now how to get it to the repair shop.
    Family thinking of driving it, stopping to refill the xmission.
    Hope they tow it, still a good car, not to chance more trouble.
    thanks rich
    Rich, Nov 30, 2005
  5. Rich

    User Guest

    The easiest quick and dirty repair is to remove the bracket, cut out the
    bad section(s) of pipe and shove some 5/16" (8mm) oil resistant hose
    over the pipe and hose clamp it on both ends. Many of the chain
    transmission shops still do this to avoid the risk of twistinf off lines
    that are rusted solid at the transmission.

    User, Dec 1, 2005
  6. Rich

    Rich Guest

    Interesting thought, maybe the repair guy will do that.
    But maybe not, he is a purist. Actually I thought there
    was a lot of pressure in that line. But maybe it's not
    that high. TNX rich
    Rich, Dec 2, 2005
  7. Rich

    James Sweet Guest

    It's not terribly high, I did exactly that, lasted about 8 years before
    I yanked the slushbox and stuck in a 5 speed.
    James Sweet, Dec 2, 2005
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