Automotive Club Listings

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. We want to express are deepest apologizes, our club listings area was
    not restored on the April 10, 2006 it had to be restored with an older
    file SQL Data base File. It is for that reason this posting is placed
    people who joined up for the soul purpose of posting there clubs were
    lost. Amhosting a hosting company had problems in the server migration
    and our clubs database was corrupted and the images lost, we are asking
    for your help to restore not only the 15 new listings that were lost but
    all of them. These clubs were added in March, the reason the data base
    was not current was a security issue, and permissions error they refused
    to fix. We could no longer login using MySQL Administrator an
    application we use to back up are SQL Databases.
    We are sick over the loss and numerous days and hours of time it has
    taken to restore When we approached the company
    they told use they were busy fixing another clients SQL Database and
    would get to us later WOW!

    So we used what we had for back ups and this is what we ended up with!

    We are now with a new hosting company all the car ad's were restored to
    date if you find any ads missing pictures please inform us as to the ad.
    You will be rewarded with a free ad of your own. Fortunately we had all
    the cars backed up we asked the customers to go back and fix the
    pictures. This was the result of the standard UNIX file limit of 2000
    files in FTP

    The two clubs that I found pictures on our server were

    These images are being served right from the directory I found them in

    I would re-list the two clubs myself if I knew whose name to put on the
    accounts and there emails to send them the passwords so they could ad
    the text and fix the account
    this link if these are your pictures login if your account is missing
    please use this link <-- is the clubs section
    as you can see it is very empty now with only 2 listings

    Our club listings were lost in the move to a new server so far only two
    people have come back to list there clubs, there is no charge for club

    we have learned a very important lesson that when a hosting company says
    unlimited there is one.

    We have now resolved this issue, and found a better hosting company with
    more space, and more band width.
, Apr 30, 2006
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