Autozone alternator died in less than 1000 miles

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by KHanawalt, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. KHanawalt

    KHanawalt Guest

    I know, I know, I'm gonna get some "I coulda told ya that's" and "I told ya
    so's" but I needed an alternator and spent $73 instead of multiples of that for
    an alternator.

    So Tuesday it went out in Denver, over an hour from home, but not completely
    out. It would bring the voltage up to 12.65 at speed, but that's not a healthy
    voltage. Also, when the key was off, the charging idiot light was on full
    bright. I think that means something shorted out in the alternator and was
    running full voltage back through the bulb when the key was off.

    No idiot lights weren't on at all with the key on, unlike my original
    alternator which allowed them to burn ever-so-dimly whilst charging at 12.6
    volts or so.

    But Autozone gave me a lifetime warranty, and after pulling the first one it
    took less than 15 minutes to install the replacement. Just a little annoying.

    I only paid $200 for the car, so I have this aversion to paying a lot for


    Horsepower is cheaper than therapy.
    KHanawalt, Oct 27, 2004
  2. You're not too far from Carl Duke in Fort Collins
    Franz Bestuchev, Oct 28, 2004
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