B200E engine. What to do ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by David, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. David

    David Guest

    The old faithful has finally blown a head gasket with 180,000 on the
    clock. Recon engine, where ? Second hand, where ? Suggestions please,
    useful ones. In for a cylinder pressure test next week but meanwhile ?
    David, Mar 1, 2005
  2. Changing a head gasket is a far easier and cheaper option than
    changing the engine.

    Are you handy with a spanner? You could do the whole lot for around
    100 quid, including head skim, new timing belt, oil change, et cetera.


    For email, replace 'SpamOnlyToHere' with my initials
    Stewart Hargrave, Mar 1, 2005
  3. David

    David Guest

    Thank you Stewart. Yes i have done it before on other Volvos but i was,
    considering the mileage, thinking of going a bit further. What do you
    think ?
    David, Mar 1, 2005
  4. If it was mine (175k miles), which I'm pretty confident is otherwise
    sound, I would change the gasket.

    If you have doubts about the rest of the engine, then a known-quality
    second hand, or reconditioned one, might be worth considering if you
    are up for the work involved.



    For email, replace 'SpamOnlyToHere' with my initials
    Stewart Hargrave, Mar 1, 2005
  5. David

    Alex Zepeda Guest

    Why bother? :))

    Just fixing the HG should tide you over for a while.
    Alex Zepeda, Mar 1, 2005
  6. David

    James Sweet Guest

    Why not just replace the head gasket? It's certainly much easier and cheaper
    than the other items you listed.
    James Sweet, Mar 2, 2005
  7. David

    David Guest

    Thank you Stewart for all your advice. The Parker site is really
    useful, under archive reviews. A local breaker has a B200F engine. Will
    that swap with mine, I have fuel injection ?
    David, Mar 4, 2005
  8. i agree...just do the head gasket...i fixed mine
    at 225,000 miles...it has been fine since...
    now w/245,000 or so....i blew my head gasket
    driving the car a bit on the "hard side" ..... it
    was a pretty complicated fix...i am a shadtree
    mechanic, so i had a volvo mechanic do it...i think
    it took him, like 8 hrs.....we also took the opportunity
    to shave the head and clean up the valvs...did the
    timing belt as well....
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Mar 4, 2005
  9. TBH I'm not sure. I'm not intimately familiar with the B200F. The
    engine will be the same basic unit, but may have differences around
    the head, for example.

    Anyone else responding needs to be aware that you are UK based, as
    this may make a difference to spec. particularly WRT the fuel system.

    The age of your car and the other engine may be relevant, too.


    For email, replace 'SpamOnlyToHere' with my initials
    Stewart Hargrave, Mar 4, 2005
  10. Major difference between B200E and B200F is that the F was designed to run
    with a catalyser and LambdaSond. It also has a lower power output in
    conjunction with it's intended use in America/Canada (emissions control).

    Cheers, Peter.
    Peter K L Milnes, Mar 4, 2005
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