Brake Lights

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Design5150, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Design5150

    Design5150 Guest

    I have an 89' 740 GL. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is a
    relay that controls the brake lights, and if so where I could find it. The
    problem that I am having is that only my 3rd brake light works (the one in the
    rear window). The regular brake lights will not work. All other lights seem to
    work fine and I have checked all the fuses and bulbs. If anyone has any advice
    I would greatly appreciate it.

    Design5150, Mar 5, 2004
  2. Design5150

    Rod Gray Guest

    Sounds like either a bad ground or the bulb failure warning sensor.If you
    get no power to the connector on the taillight then it is the sensor. It's
    round, orange,and located behind the ash tray. Pull out the ash tray, pop
    off the bezel around the lighter, remove the two screws there and take out
    the pocket.Try to find some one who will let you borrow theirs to try before
    you buy because they are expensive.
    Rod Gray, Mar 5, 2004
  3. Design5150

    James Sweet Guest

    There isn't a relay, I've fixed a couple of these with the same problems
    with the taillights by resoldering the circuit boards in the bulb failure
    sensor, it's a red can near the relays.
    James Sweet, Mar 6, 2004
  4. Design5150

    Peter Milnes Guest

    If you change the bulb failure warning unit you should restore normal operation
    of all three brake lights. The thing to change is the round can at left of third
    row of relays in the relay tray. You could try to see if there is any corrosion
    around the connections before discarding the old unit just in case this is the
    cause of the trouble.

    Cheers, Peter.

    : I have an 89' 740 GL. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is a
    : relay that controls the brake lights, and if so where I could find it. The
    : problem that I am having is that only my 3rd brake light works (the one in the
    : rear window). The regular brake lights will not work. All other lights seem to
    : work fine and I have checked all the fuses and bulbs. If anyone has any advice
    : I would greatly appreciate it.
    : Thanks,
    : Charles
    Peter Milnes, Mar 6, 2004
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