Clear corner lens for 240.?

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by TWC, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. TWC

    TWC Guest

    Hi , I want to know the information about the "Clear front corner lens"
    for 240.

    Is it an orginal Volvo parts ?If so , what's the parts nos ?
    Any information about that is great to me.

    TWC, Sep 25, 2003
  2. They are european lights. Glass. Noticeably superior in pattern
    and brightness as well as longevity. You need a full set, though,
    as they don't fit well with the U.S. plastic ones.

    Also consider a re-wire and relay job on the lights. Factory 240s
    in the U.S. are closer to 11-12V instead of 13.5 where they should be.

    The combination of doing both is an impressive 40% or so more light,
    better pattern, better rock and stone resistance, and no more yellowing
    of the lenses.
    Joseph Oberlander, Sep 25, 2003
  3. TWC

    TWC Guest

    any source i can buy this on the net ?


    Joseph Oberlander ¼g¤J¡G
    TWC, Sep 26, 2003
  4. TWC

    James Sweet Guest

    The corner lenses aren't glass, the european headlights are though.
    James Sweet, Sep 27, 2003
  5. TWC

    Steve W. Guest

    Steve W., Jan 27, 2004
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