Death of my "new" 84 760 Turbo

Discussion in 'Volvo 760' started by vinran1, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. vinran1

    vinran1 Guest

    It is with much sadness that I have to report the untimely death of my
    beloved 1984 760 Turbo...

    An absolute idiot cut me and another car off last week, causing me to
    hit another vehicle and causing much damage to the front end of this
    great car.

    The right front fender, hood, entire front grill/radiator support, as
    well as the radiator itself and the a/c evaporator destroyed.

    The fan went into the radiator, and also got lodged against one of the
    belt pulleys, so I could not even drive it home for a proper service.

    Being the tough car it was, though, it did start and run after the
    impact allowing me to get it safely off the busy street where the
    accident occurred.

    If I had a place to keep it safely and replace all the damaged parts,
    I may have kept her, but the damage probably exceeds 2000$ US, and
    that's just way too much to bear right now.

    Interesting thing was that it hit above the bumper, and everything
    just crumbled towards the firewall. The right side headlights were
    still intact and running, although they were now two feet behind their
    original position. AMAZING.

    It was a pretty hard impact, but I didn't feel it too much inside, and
    there were no injuries to anyone, a very good thing.

    Built like a brick for sure.

    I did pass it along to a friend, who will be parting it out, so at
    least it wasn't just tossed into the junkyard.

    The rest of the body was superb, with no rust, and no dents anywhere
    except a small ding on the other fender.
    What a shame, I loved this car.

    I may buy a newer model, but they don't have the same charm that this
    one did. Now looking at a 97 960, only because it's available for a
    decent price, under 13k US. with 72,000 miles on it.

    I wonder about the reliability of that year model.

    I appreciate al the help you in this group have given me with the
    repairs I did on my old Volvo, and if I get another be assured I will
    be lurking here once again, to get and give advice to anyone who needs

    Thanks for being a great group of enthusiasts, especially James Sweet
    and the countless others whom I have coresponded with over the past

    You folks are the best!!!

    Now if I could only find a Bertone V6 Turbo...................

    vinran1, Jul 7, 2004
  2. vinran1

    James Sweet Guest

    Sorry to hear about the death of your brick, it sucks when things like this
    happen to a nice car. While it's possible the car could be fixed, it's also
    likely that it would never be quite the same again, as much as I hate to
    say, parting it out may have been the best choice. Good luck in your search
    for a new car, I've noticed lately there seems to be quite an abundance of
    inexpensive 700 series cars, they changed very little over the years so you
    shouldn't have much trouble finding one that feels similar to the one you
    James Sweet, Jul 7, 2004
  3. vinran1

    Randy G. Guest

    Any two given cars might line up oddly. but hitting the brkaes hard in
    a car with soft front suspension not only affects braking efficiency
    but will also allow the front end to droop and thus lower the bumper
    height at impact.

    Glad you are OK, and there are lots of great Volvos looking for homes
    out there! You'll find another!
    __ __
    Randy & \ \/ /alerie's
    '93 960 Estate
    Randy G., Jul 7, 2004
  4. Negative on the V6, not wise.
    Classic Car Fair, Jul 7, 2004
  5. vinran1

    James Sweet Guest

    Well that and the V6 was never offered with a turbo, the best 780's had the
    standard B230FT under the hood.
    James Sweet, Jul 7, 2004
  6. vinran1

    PM Guest

    My condolences.

    Can you but a similar and take all the good bits form yours?

    PM, Jul 7, 2004
  7. vinran1

    Peter Milnes Guest

    After 1987 V6 should be B280 which is a fine, strong engine with none of the oil
    feed problems inherent in the B28.

    Cheers, Peter.

    : James Sweet wrote:
    : >
    : > : > > It is with much sadness that I have to report the untimely death of my
    : > > beloved 1984 760 Turbo...
    : > >
    : > > An absolute idiot cut me and another car off last week, causing me to
    : > > hit another vehicle and causing much damage to the front end of this
    : > > great car.
    : > >
    : > > The right front fender, hood, entire front grill/radiator support, as
    : > > well as the radiator itself and the a/c evaporator destroyed.
    : > >
    : > > The fan went into the radiator, and also got lodged against one of the
    : > > belt pulleys, so I could not even drive it home for a proper service.
    : > >
    : > > Being the tough car it was, though, it did start and run after the
    : > > impact allowing me to get it safely off the busy street where the
    : > > accident occurred.
    : > >
    : > > If I had a place to keep it safely and replace all the damaged parts,
    : > > I may have kept her, but the damage probably exceeds 2000$ US, and
    : > > that's just way too much to bear right now.
    : > >
    : > > Interesting thing was that it hit above the bumper, and everything
    : > > just crumbled towards the firewall. The right side headlights were
    : > > still intact and running, although they were now two feet behind their
    : > > original position. AMAZING.
    : > >
    : > > It was a pretty hard impact, but I didn't feel it too much inside, and
    : > > there were no injuries to anyone, a very good thing.
    : > >
    : > > Built like a brick for sure.
    : > >
    : > >
    : > > I did pass it along to a friend, who will be parting it out, so at
    : > > least it wasn't just tossed into the junkyard.
    : > >
    : > >
    : > > The rest of the body was superb, with no rust, and no dents anywhere
    : > > except a small ding on the other fender.
    : > > What a shame, I loved this car.
    : > >
    : > > I may buy a newer model, but they don't have the same charm that this
    : > > one did. Now looking at a 97 960, only because it's available for a
    : > > decent price, under 13k US. with 72,000 miles on it.
    : > >
    : > >
    : > > I wonder about the reliability of that year model.
    : > >
    : > > I appreciate al the help you in this group have given me with the
    : > > repairs I did on my old Volvo, and if I get another be assured I will
    : > > be lurking here once again, to get and give advice to anyone who needs
    : > > it.
    : > >
    : > > Thanks for being a great group of enthusiasts, especially James Sweet
    : > > and the countless others whom I have coresponded with over the past
    : > > year.
    : > >
    : > > You folks are the best!!!
    : > >
    : > >
    : > >
    : > > Now if I could only find a Bertone V6 Turbo...................
    : > >
    : > >
    : > > Vinny
    : > >
    : >
    : > Sorry to hear about the death of your brick, it sucks when things like this
    : > happen to a nice car. While it's possible the car could be fixed, it's also
    : > likely that it would never be quite the same again, as much as I hate to
    : > say, parting it out may have been the best choice. Good luck in your search
    : > for a new car, I've noticed lately there seems to be quite an abundance of
    : > inexpensive 700 series cars, they changed very little over the years so you
    : > shouldn't have much trouble finding one that feels similar to the one you
    : > lost.
    : Negative on the V6, not wise.
    Peter Milnes, Jul 8, 2004
  8. vinran1

    vinran1 Guest

    If I had garage space, I wouldn't have hesitated, in fact I may have
    even tried to restore the damage.

    This has been burning my gut for almost a week now, since I know the
    car's repair history for the last 10 years, and a virtual fortune was
    spent on it by previous owners, only 2 in the last 20 years.

    But having no place to tinker with it and slowly bring it back, was
    the reason I just sold it (cheap) to a good friend of mine, a mechanic
    who agreed that the damage would be very costly.

    He mainly wanted the wheels/tires, maybe the windows, so he could put
    them on his young family's 89 Volvo.

    So I will continue the hunt, although it will be impossible to find
    one in the condition this was in.(Perfect interior, except for a
    sagging headliner, which I repaired myself, almost a completely new
    suspension, rebuilt engine 3 yrs old, immaculate paint, straight body
    panels, etc.

    It kills me, I tell ya!

    It's out there, though, and hunting is half the fun.

    The other half of the fun will be finding another gem like I had.

    By the way, thanks for the advice on the V6, I will keep this in mind.
    vinran1, Jul 9, 2004
  9. vinran1

    James Sweet Guest

    The motor is the real value in the '84, the B23FT is a strong engine coveted
    by Volvo performance enthusiasts. It was made only that one year for the top
    of the line 760 Turbo and is quite hard to come by.
    James Sweet, Jul 11, 2004
  10. vinran1

    James Sweet Guest

    Still a pain in the butt to work on and completely unfamiliar to anyone used
    to The turbo 4 is an all around better bet. More powerful too.
    James Sweet, Jul 11, 2004
  11. vinran1

    Jfet Guest

    I have a V6, the B280F is a great engine!!! Much improved, I didn't know the 780 had a V6
    Turbo however, I thought it was a B230F but Turbo?!? is this not correct?

    I have heard horror stories about the B28F though, that V6 wasn't as good. (cam wear,
    Jfet, Jul 12, 2004
  12. vinran1

    James Sweet Guest

    It was incorrect, the V6 was never offered by Volvo in a turbocharged

    The B280F is much better than the B28F, but it's still uncommon and
    difficult to work on. It'll be much harder to find good information on
    repairing them yourself and it will likely cost significantly more to pay a
    shop to work on one. There's millions of the 4 cyl engines out there, every
    Volvo shop is familiar with them.
    James Sweet, Jul 13, 2004
  13. vinran1

    vinran1 Guest

    Well, once a Volvo gets into your system....

    I may be purchasing a real nice S80 this weekend, kicked the tires
    today, now I am just agonizing over the cost, (Around 15,000 for a 99
    model with 74k on the odometer)

    This will be the main car, and over time I will search for another 700
    series for the pure thrill.

    Don't get me wrong, the S80 drives beautifully, it's tight, and like a
    leather couch on wheels.

    But no turbo, although it's very quick.

    It just doesn't have the charm/charisma/boxy style/thrill of that old
    84 760 turbo.

    God, I miss it!!

    Will let all know how the new one works out.

    As well as the search....

    by the way, a guy had a 91 Bertone turbo for sale in San Diego on
    Ebay, the bid was only about 300.00 US last I looked, the auction is
    probably over by now.

    Wonder what it went for.

    Not too shabby, except for it blowing white smoke when he stomped on
    it, (YIKES!) and some minor cosmetic dings.

    Either the bargain of the century or a genuine parts car.

    Whatever, it's still a great looking model.

    Onto the hunt!
    vinran1, Jul 14, 2004
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