Different between B230F and B230K??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by sq1euo, Apr 20, 2006.

  1. sq1euo

    sq1euo Guest

    Is any diffrent between B230F and B230K (I know, tahat the first is on
    injection and second is corburetor),..but block of this engines is the
    same?? Can I put out the B230F from car and put in the block from
    B230K,..and all equipments will be from B230F. Is eny different or not?
    sq1euo, Apr 20, 2006
  2. The differences are in the fuel/ignition system and cylinder heads, (have
    holes for spark plugs and injectors on B230F). As I mentioned before Jarek,
    it is far easier to swap the car to get the combinaton of features that you
    require than to alter the cars drive train, as there are too many minor
    detail differences between the two engine types.

    All the best, Peter.

    700/900/90 Register Keeper,
    Volvo Owners Club (UK).
    Peter K L Milnes, Apr 21, 2006
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