Door locks on '93 850

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by Jay Hale, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Jay Hale

    Jay Hale Guest

    Can anyone tell me what has happened to make my door locks suddenly
    essentially quit working? When all doors are unlocked the remote will
    only lock the rear passenger side door and then will not unlock it.
    Neither front door button will lock or unlock all the doors and
    nothing but the key will lock the trunk. The only unusual thing I can
    think of that has happened was hauling a large foam sleeping pad in
    the trunk that required stuffing in and slamming the lid. I have
    looked for any problems with doing that and can't see anything
    vulnerable in the trunk. All doors lock fine with their buttons so I
    can still lock it up but sure do miss the automatic system.

    Thanks---Jay Hale
    Jay Hale, Dec 19, 2008
  2. Jay Hale

    Bill Guest

    As a first - and very cheap - possibility, you could try changing the
    battery in the remote. Given what you say about the front door buttons
    not locking/unlocking all the doors, it sounds as though a new battery
    might not cure the fault, but at the price, it is worth a try.

    Bill, Dec 20, 2008
  3. Jay Hale

    Bill Guest

    As a first - and very cheap - possibility, you could try changing the
    battery in the remote. Given what you say about the front door buttons
    not locking/unlocking all the doors, it sounds as though a new battery
    might not cure the fault, but at the price, it is worth a try.

    Bill, Dec 20, 2008
  4. Jay Hale

    Jay Hale Guest

    I replaced the battery in the remote w/o any change. Studying the
    circuitry has made the system less mystifying but still less than
    clear since it is not obvious what could be wrong that would cause the
    symptoms I am seeing. So, now that life has slowed back down and I
    have time I'll look for physical damage to wiring and maybe fix it for

    Thanks for your reply---Jay
    Jay Hale, Jan 2, 2009
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