ECC Temp Control???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Roger, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. Roger

    Roger Guest

    Ok, a bit sad maybe but I have been monitoring the temperature against the
    ECC temp setting. I measure the temperature near to one of the intakes in
    the cab.

    In cold weather it keeps it spot on.
    In warm weather it does not! An example is as follows.

    *Got in car and temp was in the high twenties.
    *Put temp control on 'full cold' (other controls were on auto )and when temp
    got down to 18 I set the temp control to 18.
    *The temperature steadily climbed until at 23 C I decided to override the
    controls by switching the temp to full cold. Like this the temp reduced and
    but I have to control it using the fan.

    During the rise in temperature the fan did in crease marginally and the air
    outlet was cold, but it just was not putting enough effort into the cooling!

    I don't think it needs re-gassing as the outlet temp drops to below 10 C
    when on full cold.

    So basically the ECC is ineffective in summer!

    Is this likely to be a fault is ECC just like this?
    The car is a 4 year old V40.

    Roger, Apr 10, 2004
  2. [Roger] (Sat, 10 Apr 2004 12:38:08 +0000 (UTC)):
    Mine cools down to 3,5 C when on 3/4 full fan speed and full cold. (temp
    sensor down in the middle ventilation)
    What if you set it to 16? or just next to full cold?

    The ECC goes for the "feels like" temperature.
    And how long do you wait until you give up and put it to full cold again?
    I ask because when you have it set to full cold, it gets cold in the car,
    and the ECC will try to heat the whole car to 18, then keep it at 18.

    It has sensors above your head, so if you have the window open (or
    sunroof), it will try to heat the air up..
    Svein Tore Sølvik, Apr 10, 2004
  3. Roger

    Roger Guest

    It behaves the same. The temperature slowly climbs. I leave it for about 20
    minutes before overriding it. By then I am just using it as air con rather
    than the ECC that it is supposed to be.

    Windows are all closed.
    Roger, Apr 11, 2004
  4. [Roger] (Sun, 11 Apr 2004 18:49:53 +0000 (UTC)):
    Sounds a bit strange then.. Should have it checked out by a professional
    Svein Tore Sølvik, Apr 11, 2004
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