Elementary my dear Watson (Re: Vacuum Hoses)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Andy, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. Andy

    Andy Guest


    Elementary yes, but this may save someone a load of trouble: received phone
    call from my wife- "Car's broken down.... Engine starts but when put into
    gear it dies."
    ???? I got a ride out to the stranded '93 240 Classic Wagon. Sure enough it
    started, but died *without* being put into gear. (The gear thing was
    irrelevant. It just wouldn't idle.) Lifted the hood and spotted a
    disconnected vacuum hose. Reconnected it to..... guess what?.... the
    "Idle-speed Motor"! Got out a torx key and tightened the clamp (and all the
    others.....) Drove home.
    Maybe one of the gurus will tell us if she could have (theoretically)
    driven it by keeping the revs up.

    I'm thankful she didn't get it towed to a repair shop..........

    Tighten your hose clamps, gentlemen.......

    Andy I.
    Andy, Mar 21, 2007
  2. Andy

    James Sweet Guest

    It may have been drivable, but it would have been such a pain to try
    that I wouldn't recommend it. The engine would stall at every light
    which would have been a dangerous situation.
    James Sweet, Mar 21, 2007
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