Exchange dash bulbs V/S40

Discussion in 'Volvo S40' started by Martijn, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. Martijn

    Martijn Guest

    My lightbulbs are failing one at a time. It's the bulbus behind the air
    controls. Doe anyone know how to replace tham without damageing the dash.

    Any advise is appreciated.

    All the best,

    Martijn, Mar 7, 2005
  2. Martijn

    Erik Lidén Guest

    If you have ECC, do like this:
    1. Pull the knobs off, straight out.
    2. Unscew all visible screws to get the panel off.
    3. Change the bulbs.

    If you don't have ECC I don't know if you does it this way.

    /Erik Lidén
    Erik Lidén, Mar 8, 2005
  3. Martijn

    Martijn Guest


    Thanks for your reply. I donnot have what you call "ECC", it's with knobs so
    not electronic.
    I did manage to remove the knobs but cannot reach the bulbs with "standard
    articulated fingers" .

    Any ideas?


    Martijn, Mar 8, 2005
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