Exhaust Stud Treatment?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by zoltan, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. zoltan

    zoltan Guest

    I'm replacing a couple broken exhaust manifold studs in my '84 240T,
    and I'm wondering if I need to treat the studs with anything before
    putting them in. The crushed nuts have a nice locking mechanism, but
    there is nothing that keeps the stud from backing out. Should I put
    lock-tite on the threads, or is this just asking for trouble later? It
    is an '84 so I don't know if this maintenance will ever be done on it

    Thanks, -zoltan
    zoltan, Aug 13, 2006
  2. zoltan

    zencraps Guest

    I have not added anything, and had no trouble.

    Besides, assuming Loc-Tite would survive the high temps, the LAST thing
    you want at some future date is to have the stud break off again, and
    be unable to remove it easily because you used Loc-Tite.
    zencraps, Aug 13, 2006
  3. zoltan

    James Sweet Guest

    I'd put some anti-sieze compound on them. I'd much rather have them back
    themselves out than break off, the latter of which being the only issue
    I've experienced.
    James Sweet, Aug 14, 2006
  4. zoltan

    zoltan Guest

    Thanks.....I had one stud back out on me, but it's probably just an

    zoltan, Aug 14, 2006
  5. zoltan

    zencraps Guest

    I regularly inspect the nuts/studs on the exhaust sysem and on the
    turbo, as I too have had issues with nuts coming loose from vibration.

    Never had a stud back out though.

    Just get in the habit of visually inspecting things regularly, check
    for tightness with a wrench every time you change the oil e.g.
    zencraps, Aug 14, 2006
  6. zoltan

    zoltan Guest

    I would except the heat shield makes this process a little more
    zoltan, Aug 15, 2006
  7. zoltan

    James Sweet Guest

    I chucked the heat shield a few years ago, doesn't seem to make any
    difference, I use Magnecore plug wires with a lifetime warranty, they
    seem to be holding up. Not sure if the shield had any other function but
    one of the bolts holding mine on was already broken off.
    James Sweet, Aug 15, 2006
  8. zoltan

    zencraps Guest

    Same here, I haven't had a heat shield for a few years, no problem.
    zencraps, Aug 15, 2006
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